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发布时间:2018-05-06 15:24

  本文选题:安装倾角 + 排布间距 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the construction of a tracking photovoltaic power station, the installation orientation, installation inclination, arrangement spacing and operation time of the solar cell panel must be reasonably designed. These factors restrict each other and together affect the production efficiency of the photovoltaic power station. In order to improve the power output of the equipment, the battery panel of the oblique single-axis tracking photovoltaic equipment needs to be installed at a certain tilt angle towards the south. Therefore, the optimum installation inclination angle is designed for the maximum solar radiation received by the battery panel throughout the year. In order to achieve this goal, a dynamic measurement model of solar radiation received by oblique uniaxial tracking photovoltaic panels is constructed, and the relationship between the installation inclination of panels and the amount of solar radiation received is studied. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to design an optimization method for the optimal installation inclination of photovoltaic panels. In addition, in order to improve the investment benefit of photovoltaic power station, photovoltaic equipment should be arranged with a certain distance and reasonable operating time. Therefore, aiming at the maximum investment benefit in the life cycle of the power station, the optimal installation inclination angle, the optimal arrangement spacing and the optimal operating time of the oblique single-axis tracking photovoltaic equipment are designed. Therefore, the influence of three factors on the investment benefit is analyzed, and the optimization method for solving the optimal parameters is designed by using genetic algorithm. Finally, relevant experiments are carried out to verify the accuracy of the radiation measurement model and the effectiveness of the optimization method.


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