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发布时间:2018-05-06 17:35

  本文选题:绝缘子 + 污秽成分 ; 参考:《高电压技术》2014年07期

[Abstract]:In order to study the flashover characteristics of insulators with different contamination components, the flashover voltage and integral conductivity of insulators with different salt density and different contamination composition were measured by artificial contamination test with XP-160 standard porcelain insulator as the research object. The effects of salt density and contaminants on the two species were analyzed and the flashover characteristics were obtained. The results show that the flashover voltage of insulator string will increase obviously with the decrease of NaCl mass fraction and the increase of CaSO4 mass fraction, and with the increase of CaSO4 mass fraction in the polluted component when the pollution density of soluble substance is constant, the flashover voltage of insulator string will increase obviously with the decrease of NaCl mass fraction and the increase of CaSO4 mass fraction. According to the contribution of different contaminants to conductivity, the equivalent NaCl can not fully explain the influence of polluted components on the flashover voltage of insulators. Therefore, the physical and chemical properties of different components and the influence on arc development should be taken into account in the test of natural contamination. The results can be used as reference for the design and selection of external insulation of transmission lines.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室;江苏方天电力技术有限公司;


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