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发布时间:2018-05-07 14:03

  本文选题:配电线路 + 负载率 ; 参考:《电力系统保护与控制》2015年19期

[Abstract]:In the past researches on the distribution line segments, most of them did not consider the power transfer ability of the lines. It is considered that as long as the fault section is separated by the segmented switch, the whole load of the non-fault section can be restored through the tie line. But in the actual operation, when the distribution network failure needs to transfer the load through the tie-line, because of the limit of the load rate of the line itself, the conversion rate of the tie-line is usually less than 100, which will lead to the loss of power cut. This paper discusses the optimal segmentation of handheld self-loop network under different load rates, and puts forward and establishes a mathematical model for reliability and economic evaluation of the optimal segment of the line taking into account the load rate. The optimal segmental position and its variation law of different load rates are calculated and analyzed by using the model. Based on the optimal segment position, the relationship between the optimal segment number and the power supply radius, power generation ratio and load rate is obtained by the method of piecewise number-annual total cost curve, and the relationship between the optimal segment number and the power supply radius, the power generation ratio and the load rate is obtained. It provides practical reference and reference for the selection of optimal segment in power grid construction.
【作者单位】: 中国农业大学;福建省电力有限公司龙岩供电公司;


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