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发布时间:2018-05-07 15:19

  本文选题:水泵水轮机 + 全特性空间曲面 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Pumped-storage power station has the function of quick response, such as peak filling, frequency modulation and phase adjustment, rotation reserve, etc. In order to solve the problem of peak shaving in power grid, pumped storage power station will be developed vigorously. However, there are two important factors restricting the development of pumped storage power stations in China, one is the description of the full characteristics of pump turbines. The full characteristic description of water pump turbine is the basis of water conservancy design, transient process analysis and control law research. The traditional full characteristic description of pump turbine has the phenomena of opening line aggregation, crossover and torsion, etc. It leads to the difficulty of fitting and the multi-value problem in the calculation of transition process. The second is the efficient and stable operation of pumped storage power station. There are two unstable regions of water pump turbine, namely "S" and hump, which have strong nonlinearity. The traditional control law based on linear theory is not enough to fit the strong nonlinearity of pump turbine. Can not fundamentally to ensure its efficient and stable operation. In order to solve the problems existing in the previous full characteristic description plane representation method, the full characteristic description method of water pump turbine based on the new angle of view of space surface is studied. This new method does not have the phenomena of opening line aggregation, crossover and torsion. Based on the model test data, B-spline theory is applied to construct the full characteristic space surface. The surface characteristic line of the full characteristic space is drawn, which is the basis of the research on the variation law and control law of the full characteristic of the pump turbine. In view of the fact that the linear control theory is not sufficient to meet the needs of the reversible unit in safe and stable operation, the nonlinear control strategy of the reversible unit is studied on the basis of describing the full characteristics of the pump turbine from the view of the space surface. Firstly, a simulation platform of reversible unit transition process is established, which lays a foundation for the study of nonlinear control law of reversible unit. The nonlinear mathematical model of water pump turbine is obtained from B-spline full characteristic space surface, and then the mathematical models of overpressure water system, generator motor and actuator are established respectively, and the nonlinear mathematical model of reversible unit can be obtained. Then, the numerical calculation method of the transition process is studied, and the reliability of the numerical method is verified by simulation experiment. Secondly, according to the nonlinear mathematical model of reversible unit, the nonlinear control law of reversible unit is obtained by using the exact linearization theory, and the turbine is turned on on the platform of simulation and calculation of reversible unit. The simulation results show that the nonlinear control law has better regulating performance than linear control.


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