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发布时间:2018-05-07 22:14

  本文选题:异步牵引电机 + 逆变电路 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:摘要:近年来,我国根据国民经济发展需要,提出铁路建设跨越式发展的总体思路。在这种背景下,我国机车车辆制造骨干企业通过引进先进技术,进行合作生产,创造自主品牌的方式,研制了CRH系列高速动车组。高速动车组的驱动力直接来自三相异步牵引电机,因此对异步牵引电机的研究显得尤为重要。找到一种对异步牵引电机可实现高精度的仿真方法对于开发和研究异步牵引电机来讲有着重要意义。 本文以600kW大功率三相异步牵引电机为研究对象,提出了一种异步牵引电机场路耦合有限元仿真的方法。完成了基于SPWM供电和SVPWM供电,异步牵引电机场路耦合有限元仿真的研究,并对此异步牵引电机在两种PWM供电方式下的运行特性做了较为深入的对比分析。 本文首先简单地介绍了有限元法计算电机的理论基础和电磁场有限元仿真分析软件Ansys Maxwell,并在Maxwell14环境下,建立了600kW异步牵引电机的有限元仿真二维模型。将该模型的仿真结果对比该电机在额定状态下运行的数据,以来验证该电机有限元仿真模型的正确性。然后,分别介绍了SPWM逆变电路和SVPWM逆变电路的工作原理,并在Ansys Simplorer9环境下建立了SPWM逆变电路和SVPWM逆变电路的仿真模型。通过对不同制约条件下逆变电路输出线电压的谐波分布进行对比分析,选择最适方案,最终确定两个逆变电路的调制参数和直流电压。随后利用Maxwell软件中的异步牵引电机有限元模型配合以Simplorer软件中的逆变电路模型,完成了基于两种PWM (SPWM和SVPWM)供电异步牵引电机场路耦合有限元仿真。本文最后从直流电压利用率、电流、损耗、转矩和磁链等几个方面对两个仿真做了全面的对比分析。仿真结果验证了由PWM逆变器供电时,给异步牵引电机带来了不利影响;并体现了SVPWM供电方式对比于SPWM供电方式的优势。
[Abstract]:Abstract: in recent years, China has put forward the overall train of thought for the leaping development of railway construction in accordance with the needs of the national economic development. Under this background, China's locomotive and vehicle manufacturing backbone enterprises have developed a CRH series of high-speed EMU by introducing advanced technology, carrying out cooperative production and creating independent brands. The driving force of the high-speed EMU is direct. From the three phase asynchronous traction motor, it is very important to study the asynchronous traction motor. It is of great significance to find a high precision simulation method for asynchronous traction motor for the development and study of asynchronous traction motor.
In this paper, a 600kW high-power three-phase asynchronous traction motor is taken as the research object, and an asynchronous traction electric airport coupling finite element simulation method is proposed. The research on the coupling finite element simulation based on SPWM power supply and SVPWM power supply and asynchronous traction Airport Road coupling is completed, and the operation characteristics of the asynchronous traction motor under two kinds of PWM power supply modes are also studied. A comparatively thorough comparative analysis was made.
In this paper, the theoretical basis of the finite element method and the finite element simulation analysis software Ansys Maxwell for the electromagnetic field are introduced in this paper. The finite element simulation model of the 600kW asynchronous traction motor is established under the Maxwell14 environment. The simulation results of the model are compared with the data that the electric machine runs in the rated state. The correctness of the finite element simulation model of the motor is given. Then, the working principle of SPWM inverter circuit and SVPWM inverter circuit are introduced, and the simulation model of SPWM inverter circuit and SVPWM inverter circuit is established under the Ansys Simplorer9 environment. The harmonic distribution of the output line voltage of the inverter circuit is compared and analyzed under different constraints. The optimal scheme is selected and the modulation parameters and DC voltage of the two inverter circuits are determined. Then the asynchronous traction motor finite element model in the Maxwell software is combined with the inverter circuit model in the Simplorer software, and the finite element simulation of the asynchronous traction electric field coupling based on the two PWM (SPWM and SVPWM) power supply is completed. This paper makes a comprehensive comparison and analysis of the two simulations from the aspects of DC voltage utilization, current, loss, torque and magnetic chain. The simulation results verify that the power supply of PWM inverter has adverse effects on asynchronous traction motor, and shows the advantages of SVPWM power supply mode compared with the SPWM power supply mode.



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