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发布时间:2018-05-08 02:02

  本文选题:配用电通信 + 资源分配 ; 参考:《华北电力大学(北京)》2014年博士论文

[Abstract]:The use of electrical communication network to support the two important production links of power distribution and electricity use is the key to realize the "two-way data interaction" and "fine intelligent management" for the smart grid. At present, there is a lack of systematic research on the distribution of electrical communication networks at home and abroad. Therefore, the distribution rules of the electric network architecture and the service access node need to be used according to the network. In order to realize the intelligent congestion management and flow balance and improve the quality of QoS service, the multi media fusion application field based on the electrical communication network is used. The view and business section model are used to analyze the property and flow characteristics of the electrical service. The static priority CoS parameters and static QoS parameters are proposed, and the weighted fairness QoS scheduling parameters are formed based on the multi attribute judgment of the analytic hierarchy process. The distribution of electrical business model is established, which is beneficial to the dynamic adjustment and rationality of the business weight. Secondly, in view of the problem that the individual physical layer resource allocation does not consider the problem of QoS requirements such as delay and packet loss rate in the business, based on the idea of resource cross layer scheduling, the index of the power and throughput of the physical layer, the delay and the packet loss rate of the link layer, and the service model of the application layer are considered and improved. System resource utilization and resource allocation fairness. First, a cross layer resource allocation algorithm based on the combination of user emergency and business fairness factor in a single OFDM cycle is proposed. In order to ensure the fairness of the user and satisfy the QOS requirements of each business as much as possible, a kind of fairness and rate of mixed services based on the deviation degree of QoS is proposed. The optimization algorithm of cross layer resource allocation in a long period (multiple OFDM cycle) is combined to meet the multi-objective requirements of multi user mixed service resource allocation, and then the resource allocation of the communication network includes two forms of resource allocation among gateways, subcarriers and power resource allocation among various users in the gateway. On the basis of resource allocation under the gateway, a distributed resource allocation algorithm for two kinds of multiple gateway OFDM2A systems is proposed. The main network joint points the system physical channel resources to the sub gateway first, and then the sub gateway is reassigned to each service user, and the network is judged by increasing the two level cache of the sub gateway and the load factor to realize the network. The network load is balanced, and the system throughput is maximized under the premise of guaranteeing the QoS of each service. Finally, the wireless sensor network should adopt the "chain distribution mainly, the ring network is supplemented" in the distribution network for the wireless sensor network, which is due to the limited energy of the node and the premature failure. The weak ring deployment model is used to improve the AODV plane routing algorithm based on the weak ring deployment, and the "three-dimensional network" deployment model of the wireless sensor network should be used in the power grid, and the research and improvement of the LEACH stereo routing algorithm based on the non-uniform honeycomb honeycomb clustering is also improved.



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