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发布时间:2018-05-08 16:57

  本文选题:消磁 + 超级电容 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:China is in a period of rapid development of blue water navy. Large water surface and underwater combat ships are being developed and served in the early stage of service. The supporting facilities of various aspects need to be perfected. The demagnetization system of ships is one of them. With the use of large military ships, the power of the demagnetization system is becoming larger and larger, and the requirements for the capacity of the demagnetization power supply power supply are also in the same way. In this paper, we use the supercapacitor storage energy and the power station to form the pulse discharge current, and use the intermittent characteristics of the pulse discharge to reduce the power demand of the power station. First, the overall scheme of the combined power supply for the energy storage and demagnetization module is designed in detail. The pre stage charge controller and the rear constant current conversion of the demagnetization power supply are analyzed and selected. The energy analysis and calculation of the degaussing current pulse is carried out. The relationship between the capacity of the supercapacitor module and the power supply power is obtained under four different working conditions. Secondly, for a particular power station, the capacitor module grouping scheme corresponding to the depressurization mode or the lifting pressure mode is designed respectively for a certain power station power supply. And pulse current discharge strategy, and determine the number of parallel routes used in the front stage charger scheme and post stage converter in two ways. Further, the filter inductance and capacitance value of the post stage converter which satisfy the output pulse current index in two ways are designed. The single way Buck, single path Buck-boost are established respectively. And the average state space mathematical model of Buck and Buck-boost circuits with multiple interlaced parallel connections. And the post stage converter adopts the way of step-down as an example to design the maximum current mean current averaging scheme based on the three loop control. Finally, the simulation model of the parallel current sharing of the post stage converter is established under the Matlab/Simulink simulation environment, and the post stage transformation is transformed. The parallel current equalizing flow is simulated and analyzed. At the same time, the pulse current of the parallel output of the post stage converter can satisfy the precision, the requirements of the time and the overshoot are analyzed. It is verified that the maximum current mean current method based on the three loop control is parallel operation in a phase to heavy converter and the parallel operation of multiphase multiple converter. Flow efficiency.



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