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发布时间:2018-05-09 19:53

  本文选题:弃风 + 风电消纳 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the improvement of national economy and the development of society, the demand for electric power is increasing day by day. At the same time, with the improvement of public awareness of environmental protection and the concern about the environmental and safety problems caused by traditional fossil energy, Wind power as the representative of new energy has been more and more widely recognized, and the development of wind power in China has also experienced a rapid development period, wind power accumulative installed and new installed are among the leading in the world. With the rapid growth of wind power installed capacity, wind farm planning, due to the lack of normative guidance, lead to a large number of "nest power" phenomenon, China has lost 20 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity due to wind power "nest power" every year. Causing direct economic losses of tens of billions of yuan. Based on the above background, it is necessary to study the grid planning with wind farm. The traditional power network planning is always aimed at completely eliminating wind power, considering several extreme scenarios, which can not take into account the characteristics of wind power itself, but also lose a large amount of input cost. In this paper, the grid planning with wind rejection constraints is studied in depth. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the causes of wind power abandonment, this paper focuses on how the power grid structure plays a role in wind power abandonment. On the basis of this, a grid planning model considering the constraint of abandoned wind power volume is established. The model can calculate the new line scheme under given abandoned wind constraints by taking into account the dual objectives of the abandoned wind and the economic operation of the unit. And can reflect the basic situation of power network operation under the planning scheme. Then, the idea of solving the mixed integer optimization model based on genetic algorithm is given. In this paper, a IEEE30 node system is used to simulate the proposed model, and the wind rejection and line load of each wind farm under each scenario are given, and the power network planning schemes with different installed capacity are compared in detail. And then compared with the traditional static power network planning method, it is proved that the proposed method can consider the situation of wind abandonment in different stages of power network planning, and can reduce a lot of input cost compared with the traditional power network planning method. It is also more in line with the actual situation. At the end of this paper, the power network planning method considering wind abandonment constraints is used to simulate and calculate the power grid platform of province A, and a method to deal with the correlation of wind farm with correlation coefficient is put forward. A new line planning scheme for province A power network is proposed considering different outage constraints.


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