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发布时间:2018-05-10 22:19

  本文选题:高压直流电源 + 控制电路 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着信息化与数字化编程技术的强势崛起,如何将硬件操作与软件编程很好的联系在一起,成为了当下社会讨论的热点问题。高压直流电源作为一种应用范围广、实用性强、市场发展空间大的新时代产品,一套自动化的控制系统与完整的过压保护系统对其是必不可少的。传统的高压电源一般采用线性控制,这种方法精度低、稳定性弱,而且安全性也得不到保障。因此,研究一套自动化的控制电路与一套系统化的过压保护电路对于高压电源来说意义重大。 本文针对30kV高压直流电源设计了一种智能化控制电路,根据30kV高压电源电路的特点设计了两种形式的过压保护电路。关于控制电路的设计,主要以单片机为核心构建的一个采样、反馈、调压的闭合回路。两种形式的过压保护电路是通过采样电压值的大小来控制高压电路中的TL494与可控硅的工作状态的,进而实现了对整体高压直流电源电路的保护。 本文在确定了三个电路的设计方案后,根据高压电源在工作参数、稳定性以及智能控制等多方面的要求,研制了一种以单片机为控制核心,典型电路为基础的高压电源控制电路。电路中以单片机STC12C5410AD为控制主体,,采用数字化控制,能够长时间稳定的维持高压电源正常输出30kV/3mA。关于两个过压保护电路的设计,其一,脉冲振荡模块过压保护电路,当采样电压大于6V(参考电压)时,TL494截止,高压直流电源停止工作;其二,可控硅—继电器过压保护电路,当采样电压大于6V(参考电压)时,可控硅导通,高压直流电源停止工作。两电路在模拟电路实验中均得到验证,且能长时间稳定工作。最后,三部分设计电路配合高压直流电源电路经行长时间测试实验,实验现象与模拟采样实验结果相同,达到本文设计目的。
[Abstract]:With the rise of information technology and digital programming technology, how to link hardware operation with software programming has become a hot issue in the current society. As a new era product with wide application range, strong practicability and large market development space, HVDC power supply is indispensable to it with an automatic control system and a complete overvoltage protection system. Linear control is generally used in traditional high voltage power supply. This method has low precision, weak stability, and its safety is not guaranteed. Therefore, it is of great significance to study a set of automatic control circuit and a set of systematic overvoltage protection circuit for high voltage power supply. In this paper, an intelligent control circuit is designed for 30kV HVDC power supply, and two kinds of overvoltage protection circuits are designed according to the characteristics of 30kV HV power supply circuit. As for the design of control circuit, a closed circuit of sampling, feedback and voltage regulation is constructed with single chip microcomputer as the core. Two kinds of overvoltage protection circuits control the working state of TL494 and thyristor in high voltage circuit by sampling voltage value, and then realize the protection of the whole HVDC power supply circuit. In this paper, after determining the design scheme of three circuits, according to the requirements of high voltage power supply in working parameters, stability and intelligent control, a single chip microcomputer is developed as the control core. High voltage power supply control circuit based on typical circuit. In the circuit, the single chip computer (STC12C5410AD) is used as the main control body, and the digital control is adopted, which can maintain the normal output of the high voltage power supply for a long time and steadily for 30 kV / 3 Ma. About the design of two overvoltage protection circuits, one is the pulse oscillation module overvoltage protection circuit, when the sampling voltage is greater than 6V (reference voltage), the TL494 cut-off, the high voltage DC power supply stops working; the second, the thyristor relay overvoltage protection circuit, When the sampling voltage is greater than 6 V (reference voltage), thyristor conduction and high voltage DC power supply stop. Both circuits are verified in analog circuit experiments and can work stably for a long time. Finally, three parts of the design circuit combined with the high-voltage DC power circuit for a long time test experiment, the experimental phenomenon and analog sampling experiment results are the same, to achieve the purpose of the design of this paper.


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