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发布时间:2018-05-11 03:41

  本文选题:瞬时测频 + 编码 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the engineering application of electronic countermeasure, we call the fast frequency measurement as instantaneous frequency measurement (IFMN), which is a widely used and very important receiver system. Instantaneous frequency measurement receiver is a kind of receiver which can give signal frequency measurement in a very short time. It is widely used in electronic countermeasures because of its wide opening and fast frequency measurement. The basis of all instantaneous frequency measurement is based on two aspects: first, there are certain microwave devices, the key of this device is that the frequency information can be extracted after the external RF signal passes through, such as converting into current or voltage information; The second is the encoding processing function, which converts the information provided by the microwave front end into digital signals for coding and processing, and then obtains the actual available frequency information. The interferometer phase comparison method is one of the classical frequency measurement methods. Its core idea is to transform the signal from frequency, phase and amplitude, and to deduce its frequency value from the measured amplitude. Due to its good transient, this method has been widely used in practical engineering. However, the bottleneck of this method is that the precision of frequency measurement is not very high. In this paper, based on the study of the principle of instantaneous frequency measurement by interferometric phase method, the scheme of instantaneous frequency measurement is demonstrated, and the digital signal processing part is designed by using modular design method and FPGA technology. The accuracy of frequency measurement is improved. In this paper, the classification of frequency measurement receivers in reconnaissance receivers is introduced, and the basic requirements and applications of frequency measurement receivers are briefly described. Then, the mechanism and composition of traditional interferometer phase comparison method (IFM) are described emphatically. According to the engineering requirements of a research project, a new coding method is proposed to extract the frequency information by combining the A- / D sampling and the look-up table before the prototype is trial-produced. It makes use of most of the information that the device can give. A IFM component with 2GHz~4GHz bandwidth is designed with the aid of the main index of the project. Comparing zero-crossing points and converting directly generated Gray codes to binary codes is a traditional instantaneous frequency measurement method which requires high delay cables and correlators. In order to simplify the production process of the receiver and meet the requirements of mass production, the receiver encodes the receiver by using the method of combining Ar / D sampling and table lookup, which improves the accuracy of the IFM module. The RMS error in the operating frequency range is controlled in the 3MHz (full temperature range), and the number of phase detectors, the size of the printed circuit, and the debugging amount are obviously superior to those of the instantaneous frequency measurement receiver based on the traditional resistive loop polarity quantization coding system.


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