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发布时间:2018-05-11 20:21

  本文选题:路灯监控系统 + 无线传感器网络 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:摘要:我国城市化进程不断加快,照明需求也日益突出。传统路灯系统中,定时式开关由于成本低廉、安装便捷等优点,成为主流解决方案。然而,定时式开关灵活性差,使路灯设备能耗较大。因此,引入具有无线/有线通信功能的路灯监控系统,改善设备能耗大及日常维护困难等问题变得非常重要。 无线传感器网络是由大量微型传感器节点通过无线通信方式形成的一个多跳自组织网络。实际应用中,无线通信方式包括ZigBee、蓝牙、Wi-Fi等技术。其中ZigBee技术是一种较为理想的解决方案。 ZigBee是一种低功耗、低成本、低速率的无线通信技术,主要用于近距离无线数据传输。本文以无线传感器网络为基础,以ZigBee技术为工具搭建一个路灯监控系统。并通过这一过程,掌握ZigBee技术的协议规范、网络拓扑结构及路由算法等内容。 本文主要工作包括以下几个方面: 1.前两章总结了路灯监控系统的国内外现状及未来发展趋势;介绍了无线传感器网络的概念、IEEE802.15.4标准以及ZigBee的四层网络结构;根据路灯系统功能需求设计了系统总体方案。 2.第三章根据路灯系统方案,使用CC2430芯片实现路灯之间的ZigBee通信功能。依据路灯系统实际需求合理地选定传感器类型、完成电路连接、设计两种路灯节点方案,并绘制PCB板,完成系统硬件部分的工作。 3.第四章介绍了ZigBee协议的工作原理、路由算法、网络拓扑结构和地址分配等问题。分析了Z-Stack协议栈的运行方式和工作流程。根据系统方案修改相关代码,实现网络组建、数据透明传输、故障信息采集和发送、路灯控制、路灯状态信息传输等功能;设计了上位机监控界面,完成系统软件部分的工作。 4.第五章完成网络组建、数据透明传输、故障信息采集和发送、路灯控制、路灯状态信息传输等测试,验证路灯系统满足设计要求。最后分析和解决了ZigBee设备休眠机制问题。 5.第六章对本文工作进行了总结,指出研究中存在的若干问题和不足之处,为后续工作的开展奠定基础。 图70幅,表11个,参考文献69篇。
[Abstract]:Abstract: China's urbanization process is accelerating, lighting demand is also increasingly prominent. In traditional street lamp system, timing switch has become the mainstream solution because of its advantages of low cost and convenient installation. However, the timing switch is not flexible enough to make the street lamp equipment consume more energy. Therefore, it is very important to introduce the street lamp monitoring system with wireless / wired communication function to improve the energy consumption of equipment and the difficulty of daily maintenance. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a multi-hop self-organizing network formed by a large number of micro sensor nodes through wireless communication. In practical applications, wireless communication methods include ZigBee, Bluetooth Wi-Fi and other technologies. ZigBee technology is an ideal solution. ZigBee is a low-power, low-cost, low-rate wireless communication technology, mainly used for short-range wireless data transmission. Based on wireless sensor network and ZigBee technology, a street lamp monitoring system is built in this paper. Through this process, we can master the protocol specification, network topology and routing algorithm of ZigBee technology. The main work of this paper includes the following aspects: 1. The first two chapters summarize the present situation and future development trend of street lamp monitoring system, introduce the concept of wireless sensor network (WSN) and the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and the four-layer network structure of ZigBee, and design the overall scheme of the system according to the function requirement of streetlight system. 2. In chapter 3, according to the scheme of street lamp system, CC2430 chip is used to realize the communication function of ZigBee between street lamps. According to the actual needs of the street lamp system, the sensor type is reasonably selected, the circuit connection is completed, two street lamp node schemes are designed, and the PCB board is drawn to complete the work of the hardware part of the system. 3. Chapter 4 introduces the working principle, routing algorithm, network topology and address assignment of ZigBee protocol. The operation mode and workflow of Z-Stack protocol stack are analyzed. According to the system scheme, the related codes are modified to realize the functions of network construction, transparent data transmission, fault information collection and transmission, street lamp control, street lamp status information transmission and so on, and the upper computer monitoring interface is designed to complete the work of the software part of the system. 4. The fifth chapter completes the network construction, the data transparent transmission, the fault information collection and the transmission, the street lamp control, the street lamp status information transmission and so on tests, verifies the street lamp system to meet the design request. Finally, the problem of ZigBee device hibernation mechanism is analyzed and solved. 5. The sixth chapter summarizes the work of this paper, points out some problems and deficiencies in the study, and lays a foundation for the following work. There are 70 figures, 11 tables and 69 references.


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