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发布时间:2018-05-11 23:26

  本文选题:冲击电晕 + 输电线路 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:输电线路的可靠运行是输电线路运行过程中需要考虑的重要因素,而造成输电线路故障的主要原因是雷击。它除了可以导致输电线路故障,造成损失之外,雷电侵入波将会对变电站电气设备造成危害。因此建立准确的输电线路仿真计算模型对研究线路耐雷性能、变电站雷电侵入波过电压防护及其采取有效的防雷保护措施具有重要的学术意义和工程实用价值。 雷电过电压波在输电线路上传播的过程中发生衰减和变形,主要原因是受到冲击电晕和由于集肤效应引起的参数随频率变化特性的影响。本文在分析参考大量文献的基础上,对冲击电晕的伏库特性和频率参数进行建模分析。文中采用分段拟合的方法,用压控型动态电容来近似表征冲击电晕特性。对于参数频变特性,采用若干个由电阻和电感组成的二端口来拟合,无需进行频域和时域的相互转换,可较大幅度地简化了计算。基于PSCAD软件,分别建立更加准确的冲击电晕和频率参数的仿真模型,此外,还在软件中建立输电杆塔模型、绝缘子仿真模型、接地电阻模型以及过电压侵入变电站的模型。 文本利用在软件中建立的整体的仿真模型,以双指数标准雷电波和衰减振荡波为基础,分别仿真在考虑冲击电晕和频率参数下和不考虑两者因素下的波形,并进行对比;计算不同影响因素下的耐雷水平,并探究影响系统耐雷水平的因素。衰减振荡雷电波下的仿真波形与已有文献中试验数据对比以验证其正确性。
[Abstract]:The reliable operation of transmission line is an important factor to be considered in the course of transmission line operation, and the main cause of transmission line fault is lightning strike. In addition to the failure of transmission line and the damage caused by lightning, the lightning intrusion wave will cause harm to substation electrical equipment. Therefore, it is of great academic significance and practical value to establish an accurate simulation calculation model of transmission lines for studying the lightning resistance performance of transmission lines, protecting the over-voltage of lightning intrusive waves in substations and taking effective lightning protection measures. The attenuation and deformation of lightning overvoltage wave in the transmission line are mainly due to the effect of shock corona and the variation of parameters with frequency due to skin effect. Based on the analysis of a large number of references, the characteristics and frequency parameters of the shock corona are modeled and analyzed in this paper. In this paper, the method of piecewise fitting is used to approximate the characteristics of shock corona by using voltage-controlled dynamic capacitance. For the frequency change characteristics of the parameters, several two-ports composed of resistors and inductors are used to fit the parameters, and the calculation can be greatly simplified without the need for the interconversion between frequency domain and time domain. Based on PSCAD software, more accurate simulation models of impulse corona and frequency parameters are established respectively. In addition, transmission tower model, insulator simulation model, grounding resistance model and overvoltage intrusive substation model are also established in the software. Using the whole simulation model established in the software, based on the double exponential standard lightning wave and attenuated oscillation wave, the paper simulates the waveform under the consideration of shock corona and frequency parameters and does not consider the two factors, and compares them. Calculate the lightning resistance level under different influence factors, and explore the factors that affect the lightning resistance level of the system. The simulation waveform under attenuated and oscillating lightning wave is compared with the experimental data in previous literatures to verify its correctness.


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