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发布时间:2018-05-13 16:30

  本文选题:复合绝缘子 + 憎水性 ; 参考:《电网技术》2014年07期

[Abstract]:The sea fog in coastal areas and the dense fog in urban industrial areas have high conductivity, which can lead to the rapid accumulation of dirt on insulators and may have an impact on the hydrophobicity of composite insulators. The hydrophobicity of contaminated silicone rubber surface under high conductivity fog was studied. The ultrasonic fog generator was used to produce the high conductivity fog, and the contaminated silicone rubber test piece was moistened in the fog chamber. The hydrophobicity of the surface of the contaminated sample was measured by static contact angle method before and after the damp. It is found that the hydrophobicity of the surface of contaminated silicone rubber will be decreased by moisture in high conductivity fog. After the damp, the hydrophobicity recovery on the surface of the polluted layer is related to the insoluble composition in the polluted material; the higher the ratio of soluble salt to insoluble component in the pollution is, the more unfavorable to the recovery of hydrophobicity; in addition, the higher the environmental humidity, the higher the hydrophobicity recovery. The more unfavorable the hydrophobic recovery. It is concluded that the high conductivity fog increases the salt density of the contaminated layer on the surface of silicone rubber and enhances the water absorption ability of the contaminated layer, which is the reason for the decrease of hydrophobicity on the surface of contaminated silicone rubber.
【作者单位】: 清华大学深圳研究生院;深圳供电局有限公司;


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