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发布时间:2018-05-14 02:14

  本文选题:分布式电源 + 微电网 ; 参考:《上海应用技术学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of distributed generation and microgrid technology, the structure and load of microgrid system will become more and more complex, and the probability of power quality problems such as harmonic, voltage fluctuation and flicker will be higher and higher. The power environment of the distribution network will be seriously affected after the microgrid is connected to the grid. In this regard, funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (project No.: 61374132), the problem is studied, and according to the law of the development of international flexible transmission, A power quality control method based on active power filter (APF) and static reactive power compensation generator (STATCOM) is proposed. The main contents and results of the research are as follows: 1. In this paper, the problem of DGG grid-connected in microgrid is studied, and the principle and characteristics of DG, such as wind power generation, photovoltaic power generation and fuel cell, are analyzed, and the mathematical models of each DG are built. The influence of the power quality of distribution network is studied. 2. 2. Based on instantaneous reactive power theory, this paper analyzes the fast detection method of harmonic in microgrid, and then, aiming at the delay problem of current harmonic detection algorithm, a method of leading correction is studied, which is proved to be correct by simulation. Feasible. The principle of reactive power compensation in microgrid is deeply studied, and the mathematical model of reactive current detection algorithm is derived. Considering harmonic suppression and tracking control of reactive power compensation command signal, three common modulation strategies are compared and analyzed, such as constant frequency hysteresis current control, three-phase SPWM modulation and SVPWM modulation, and the control characteristics of APF and STATCOM are analyzed. A modulation strategy combining hysteresis of current with space vector is proposed, which not only simplifies the design difficulty of power quality optimization equipment in microgrid, but also effectively improves the power quality of microgrid. Through PSCAD simulation and prototype experiment, the simulation and experiment results prove the correctness and feasibility of the theory of power quality control.


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