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发布时间:2018-05-14 13:02

  本文选题:风电机 + 台风 ; 参考:《集美大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:风能已成为目前世界上最重要的一种可再生能源,随着风力发电产业快速的发展,欧美等国海上风力发电技术已日趋成熟,而我国海上风能的开发刚刚起步,并且我国大部分海域受台风影响严重。叶片是风电机关键部件之一,叶片的气动外形决定风电机的转换效率,也是在台风中最容易被毁坏的,因此很有必要对海上风电机叶片的抗台风特性进行研究,这些工作对于我国海上风电产业的发展具有积极意义。 本文重点研究了3.0MW海上风力机的叶片气动外形设计和叶片的抗台风特性,所做的主要工作如下: 1)通过查找资料与文献研究了目前风电产业的发展情况,国内外对风力发电机叶片设计优化方法的研究,,以及台风对风机的破坏机制; 2)分析了风力机叶片设计理论和叶片设计方法,通过对多种设计方案的分析对比,Wilson叶片设计方法是目前风力机叶片设计较为准确且运用最为广泛的设计方法。本文按照Wilson法优化设计风力机叶片几何外形,确定优化设计数学模型以及约束条件,以MATLAB为工具计算叶片外形各参数,综合Wilson方法考虑叶片梢部损失、根部损失和轴向、周向干扰因子对叶片空气动力学性能的影响,大大提高了叶片的设计精度和设计计算效率,并对计算结果进行线性化修正处理; 3)基于UG的自由曲面造型功能,对风力机叶片进行参数化建模,并在ANSYS中对叶片进行模态分析,得到其固有频率以及在各阶频率下的振动变形情况; 4)分析了风力发电机在台风来临时的应对措施,利用下风向风轮的自动偏航作用,在台风来临时,松开偏航刹车,依靠风力转动风轮,这样既能做到应变的准确与同步,又避免失电后偏航系统受力损坏。并基于CFD技术,建立了海上风力发电机组叶轮及流场模型,使风电机在台风来临时停机并将叶轮转至下风向,在Fluent中分析了极端风速条件下,叶片的扭转角对叶轮所受压力的影响。
[Abstract]:Wind energy has become the most important renewable energy in the world. With the rapid development of wind power industry, offshore wind power generation technology in Europe and America has become more and more mature, and the development of offshore wind energy in China has just started. And most of our sea area is seriously affected by typhoon. The blade is one of the key components of the wind motor. The aerodynamic shape of the blade determines the conversion efficiency of the wind motor and is the most easily destroyed in the typhoon. Therefore, it is necessary to study the typhoon resistance characteristics of the blade of the offshore wind motor. These works have positive significance for the development of offshore wind power industry in China. In this paper, the aerodynamic design of 3.0MW offshore wind turbine blade and the typhoon resistance characteristics of the blade are studied. The main work is as follows: 1) the development of wind power industry, the optimization method of wind turbine blade design at home and abroad, and the damage mechanism of wind turbine caused by typhoon are studied by looking up data and literature. 2) the blade design theory and blade design method of wind turbine are analyzed. Wilson blade design method is the most accurate and widely used design method for wind turbine blade design. According to the Wilson method, this paper optimizes the design of the blade geometry of wind turbine, determines the mathematical model of the optimal design and the constraint conditions, calculates the parameters of the blade shape by using MATLAB as a tool, and considers the blade tip loss, root loss and axial direction by comprehensive Wilson method. The influence of the circumferential interference factor on the aerodynamic performance of the blade greatly improves the design accuracy and the design efficiency of the blade, and makes linearization correction of the calculation results. 3) based on the free-form surface modeling function of UG, the parametric modeling of wind turbine blade is carried out, and the modal analysis of the blade is carried out in ANSYS, and the natural frequency and vibration deformation under each order frequency are obtained. 4) analyzing the countermeasures of wind turbine in the coming of typhoon, using the automatic yawing action of downwind wind turbine, loosening yaw brake and turning wind turbine depending on wind force when typhoon comes, so that the strain can be accurate and synchronous. It also avoids the force damage of yaw system after power loss. Based on the CFD technology, the impeller and flow field model of offshore wind turbine is established, which makes the wind motor stop and turn the impeller to the lower wind direction when the typhoon comes. The extreme wind speed is analyzed in Fluent. The influence of the blade torsion angle on the pressure of the impeller.


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