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发布时间:2018-05-16 05:23

  本文选题:电力系统 + 光纤温度传感器 ; 参考:《长春理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Power system is an important pillar of social economic development. With the continuous development of social economy, higher requirements for power supply have been put forward, and ensuring the safe operation of power grid and power facilities has become the primary task of power industry. However, the frequent occurrence of power grid accidents has caused a lot of economic losses to the country and people. The main reason for frequent occurrence is that high contact temperature of power equipment can easily lead to fire, so effective monitoring of contact temperature of power equipment is an important measure to reduce the hidden danger of safety. According to the actual situation of temperature measurement of power grid equipment, the application system of power network temperature monitoring based on new fiber optic temperature sensor is studied in this paper. The main research contents are as follows: the principle of optical fiber temperature sensor based on thermochromic technology is described, and the design and development of optical fiber temperature sensor under high electric field and high magnetic field intensity are completed. At the same time, based on the technology of Internet of things, the design scheme of the temperature monitoring application system of power network is established, and the preliminary development of the temperature monitoring application system software is completed, the software and hardware deployment of the temperature monitoring application system in the substation is completed, and the data is transmitted back to the substation. Visual display, intelligent analysis, data monitoring and other research, so as to prevent potential security problems in power grid.


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