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发布时间:2018-05-16 08:17

  本文选题:W火焰锅炉 + 空气分级 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国最新公布的《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》中,规定了更为严格的排放标其准他,重机点组地低区于到220001m5年g/无3论,何因时建造的四角切圆锅炉NOX排放量要求低于100mg/m3,炉此低火N电O厂X的NO研X的防治和控制就显得尤为紧迫和必要了,但是国内外关于W型火焰锅究却相对较少。本文针对该情况按照冷态水模实验、冷态气模实验、冷态数值模拟的思路对W型火焰锅炉空气分级低NOX燃烧技术进行了系统的研究。 冷态水模实验台架是按照相对于原锅炉1:30的比例加工制造而成,在其上进行二次风不同配风方式、二次风不同倾角和引入OFA后下炉膛流场状况等工况的研究。OFA冷态实验台架为相对于原锅炉1:15的比例加工制造而成,研究了引入OFA射流后不同OFA风率和OFA射流角度工况下上炉膛的流场状况。实验研究表明:在不引入OFA射流的情况下二次风配风方式采用E层二次风为F层二次风一半的工况取得的流场结果较为满意,在上述工况背景下,二次风采用下倾30°的情况取得较好结果;在引入OFA后由于下炉膛二次风的减弱,势必提高了一次风射流的穿透效果,因此二次风下倾角度可以选择为30°的情况,而OFA风率需要至少大于20%才能达到较好射流穿透效果,下倾角度可以考虑选择为30°。 数值计算以原锅炉尺寸结合冷态实验工况进行,,冷态数值模拟结果与冷态实验结果吻合较好,说明了采用的数值计算模型和方法是可行的、有效的。同时从模拟结果可以看出较好的空气分级具有较好的饱满的炉内回流区和流场图谱,验证了冷态实验的观点,具有相对符合的分析结果。
[Abstract]:In the newly published Standard of Atmospheric Pollutant Emission from Thermal Power plants in China, more stringent emission standards are stipulated. The NOX emission requirement of the quadrangular tangential boiler built by he cause is less than 100mg / m3, so the prevention and control of no in the low fire N electric O plant X is particularly urgent and necessary, but there is relatively little research on the W-type flame cooker at home and abroad. According to the cold water model experiment, cold gas model experiment and cold numerical simulation, the low NOX combustion technology of W type flame boiler is studied systematically in this paper. The cold water model experimental bench is manufactured according to the ratio of 1:30 to the original boiler, on which different air distribution modes are carried out. Study on the conditions such as different inclination of secondary air and flow field of lower furnace after introduction of OFA. The cold experiment bench of OFA is manufactured in proportion to 1:15 of the original boiler. The flow field of the furnace under different OFA air rates and OFA jet angles after the introduction of OFA jet is studied. The experimental results show that the flow field results obtained under the condition that E layer secondary air is half of F secondary air in secondary air distribution mode without the introduction of OFA jet are satisfactory. A good result is obtained when the secondary air is tilted down 30 掳, and because of the weakening of the secondary air in the lower furnace after the introduction of OFA, the penetration effect of the primary air jet will be improved, so the downdip angle of the secondary air can be chosen as 30 掳. The OFA wind rate needs to be more than 20% in order to achieve a better jet penetration effect. The downdip angle can be considered as 30 掳. The numerical calculation is carried out under the condition of the original boiler size and the cold state experiment. The results of the cold state numerical simulation are in good agreement with those of the cold state experiment, which shows that the numerical calculation model and method adopted are feasible and effective. At the same time, it can be seen from the simulation results that the better air classification has a better diagram of the reflux zone and the flow field in the furnace, which verifies the viewpoint of the cold state experiment and has relatively consistent analysis results.


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