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发布时间:2018-05-16 12:20

  本文选题:配电网 + 故障指示器 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:配电网馈线故障指示器,简称故障指示器,安装在线路分支点和用户进线等处。当线路发生短路故障或单相接地故障时,发出故障报警指示,使检修人员可依据故障指示器的指示,迅速定位故障点,为尽快排除故障,恢复线路供电,提高供电可靠性,提供有利保障。但长期以来故障指示器因缺乏统一的标准,各个生产厂家技术条件不同,故障指示器的性能良莠不齐,制约了故障指示器在故障排除中的应用。2010年,国家电网公司颁布并实施Q/GDW436-2010《配电线路故障指示器技术规范》,结束了故障指示器无检验标准的状况,为电力企业提供了采购和验收故障指示器的技术依据。目前国内对故障指示器检测,普遍采用小电流模拟故障的方法。但该方法所模拟的故障与实际情况存在一定差异,通过检测的故障指示器仍无法很好的应用。本文研制了一套配电网馈线故障指示器检测平台,采用高电压、大电流模拟故障的检测方法,以Q/GDW436-2010《配电线路故障指示器技术规范》为基础,检测故障指示器的短路故障报警功能、防误动功能、电气性能等。同时,该平台还提供三相线路仿真演示,为研究基于故障指示器的配网自动化提供一定的实验基础。研制的检测平台包括上位机信息处理单元、故障指示器综合检测单元和电压电流输出单元三个部分。上位机信息处理单元为一台装有检测软件的高性能PC机;故障指示器综合检测单元为一台自主开发的综合测控装置,包括通信控制部分和交流量输入输出部分,前者由PLC作为控制核心,后者作为辅助控制使用,输入输出电压电流波形信号;电压电流输出单元为输出高电压、大电流的多台装置及输出线路。综合测控装置的PLC软件采用结构化、模块化编程,按照自顶向下、逐步求精的模块划分,使整个框架具有清晰的结构,提高了可靠性,同时辅以触摸屏,提供友好的人机交互功能。上位机检测软件采用基于V模型的抛弃原型开发方法,将软件依照功能种类划分为多个模块,逐一编码、封装、测试,保证了软件开发的质量和效率。以ZY F10和KLD2-A作为被检故障指示器,进一步说明配电网馈线故障指示器检测平台的应用,介绍了故障指示器部分测试项目测试步骤和三相线路仿真演示。经过实际应用表明,该平台具有运行稳定、可靠等优点,达到了预期的功能。
[Abstract]:Feeder fault indicator of distribution network, called fault indicator, is installed at line branch point and subscriber entry line. When a short circuit fault or a single phase grounding fault occurs on the line, a fault alarm is issued so that the maintenance personnel can quickly locate the fault point according to the indication of the fault indicator, in order to remove the fault as soon as possible, restore the power supply of the line, and improve the reliability of the power supply. To provide favourable protection. But for a long time, due to the lack of a unified standard, the technical conditions of various manufacturers are different, and the performance of fault indicators is uneven, which restricts the application of fault indicators in troubleshooting. The State Grid Corporation promulgated and implemented the Q/GDW436-2010 Technical Specification for Fault indicators of Distribution Lines, which ended the absence of inspection standards for fault indicators and provided a technical basis for purchasing and accepting fault indicators for power enterprises. At present, the method of simulating fault with small current is widely used in the detection of fault indicator in our country. However, the fault simulated by this method is different from the actual situation, and the fault indicator can not be applied well. In this paper, a set of fault indicator detection platform for feeder line in distribution network is developed, which adopts high voltage and high current analog fault detection method, based on Q/GDW436-2010 Technical Specification for Distribution Line Fault indicator. Detection of fault indicator short-circuit alarm function, anti-maloperation function, electrical performance and so on. At the same time, the platform also provides a three-phase circuit simulation demonstration, which provides a certain experimental basis for the research of distribution automation based on fault indicator. The platform consists of three parts: upper computer information processing unit, fault indicator integrated detection unit and voltage and current output unit. The upper computer information processing unit is a high performance PC computer equipped with testing software, and the fault indicator integrated detection unit is a self-developed integrated measurement and control device, which includes the communication control part and the AC input and output part. The former is composed of PLC as the control core, the latter as the auxiliary control, the input and output voltage and current waveforms are used, and the voltage and current output units are multiple devices and output circuits with high voltage and high current output. The PLC software of the integrated measurement and control device is structured, modular programming, according to the top-down, step by step refinement of the module division, so that the whole framework has a clear structure, improve the reliability, while supplemented by a touch screen, Provide friendly man-machine interaction. Based on V model, the software is divided into several modules, coding, encapsulating and testing one by one, which ensures the quality and efficiency of software development. Taking ZY F10 and KLD2-A as fault indicators, the application of feeder fault indicator platform in distribution network is further explained. The test steps of fault indicator and the simulation demonstration of three-phase line are introduced. The practical application shows that the platform has the advantages of stability and reliability, and achieves the expected function.


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