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发布时间:2018-05-17 12:58

  本文选题:水轮发电机 + 轴系 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Hydrogenerator is a kind of complex nonlinear dynamic system with mutual influence of mechanical, electromagnetic and hydraulic factors. Its shafting shows complex nonlinear dynamic characteristics during operation. With the rapid increase of power and size of hydro-generator sets and the increase of specific speed, the problems of vibration and stability become more and more prominent, especially under the action of nonlinear oil film force, unbalanced magnetic pull force and rotating impact force. Its dynamic characteristics will become very complicated. It is of great significance to study the mechanism and law of turbine generator unit vibration to improve the dynamic characteristics of the unit fundamentally. The main research work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the rotor bearing model of double fulcrum and double cantilever is established according to the shafting arrangement of bulb tubular turbine generator set, which takes gravity, buoyancy, hydraulic imbalance into account. In the case of nonlinear oil film force, the dynamic differential equation of the vibration of an unbalanced rotor system of a hydrogenerator is derived. The effects of rotor speed and rotor eccentricity on the dynamic characteristics of rotor system are analyzed. It is found that with the change of rotational speed and rotor eccentricity, the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of the system become very complex, with periodic motion, period doubling bifurcation and chaotic motion. Secondly, in order to more accurately grasp the dynamic characteristics of rotor-bearing system under electromagnetic fault, the nonlinear dynamic model of rotor-bearing system under unbalanced magnetic pull is established in this paper. The effects of rotor speed, excitation current and other parameters on the dynamic characteristics of the system are discussed. The results show that the rotor speed and excitation current have a significant effect on the vibration characteristics of the rotor system. With the increasing of the rotor speed, the vibration amplitude of the rotor increases first and then decreases, and with the constant change of the excitation current, The system changes from stable periodic motion to quasi periodic motion. Finally, by analyzing the motion of rub-impact rotor system under axial thrust, the nonlinear dynamic model of rub-impact rotor system under axial thrust is established, and the friction coefficient is analyzed in detail. The influence of stator radial stiffness and other parameters on the dynamic characteristics of rub-impact rotor system under axial thrust. It is found that with the variation of friction coefficient, radial stiffness of stator and other parameters, rub-impact force gradually becomes the dominant factor in rotor system motion, and the system exhibits nonlinear dynamic characteristics such as periodic doubling bifurcation, chaotic motion and so on. Based on the calculation and analysis of actual units under different working conditions, the dynamic characteristics of units with different control parameters are obtained, which provides a reference for the design and stability analysis of bulb tubular turbine generator sets.


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4 殷R,




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