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发布时间:2018-05-18 02:22

  本文选题:绝缘套管 + GIS终端 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:电网是实现电力发、变、送、配、用各环节的基础载体,随着我国电网的电压等级不断提高,需要用到大量的高压及超高压绝缘制品,研究这类产品具有很高的市场前景。138kVGIS终端上的绝缘套管是此类高压绝缘件中的代表性产品,目前只有少数几个发达国家具备制造这类绝缘制品的能力,我国也主要依赖进口,本课题研究拟将其作为重点研究内容。本课题的研究工作分为三个部分:首先针对终端绝缘套管的产品特点,制定了静态混料器混料、真空状态下压力凝胶的生产工艺,并分析了与现有旧工艺的不同之处。第二,从绝缘介质的电气性能、黏度变化特性这两个方面入手分析了材料特性。第三,用不同的环氧树脂配方体系制造了138k VGIS终端绝缘套管,对产品进行了电气性能试验和运行可靠性试验,并分析了试验结果最终,论证了以我国现有工艺装备和生产条件,用静态混料器混料,真空状态下压力凝胶的工艺方法已经可以生产质量可靠138kVGIS终端绝缘套管;明确了在选取绝缘材料时的重要判断依据;同时课题的研究成果也将为今后开发其他更复杂的超高压绝缘制品提供宝贵的经验。
[Abstract]:Power grid is the basic carrier to realize the power generation, change, delivery, distribution and use. With the continuous improvement of the voltage level of the power grid in China, a large number of high voltage and ultrahigh voltage insulation products need to be used. This kind of product has a high market prospect, and the insulation casing on.138kVGIS terminal is the representative product of this kind of high voltage insulation. A few developed countries have the ability to produce this kind of insulation, our country also mainly depends on the import. This topic is to be the key research content. The research work of this topic is divided into three parts: first, the production characteristics of the terminal insulation casing, the static mixer mixture and the vacuum state pressure gel production are made. The difference between the existing technology and the existing technology is analyzed. Second, the material characteristics are analyzed from the two aspects of the electrical properties of the insulating medium and the viscosity change characteristics. Third, the 138k VGIS terminal insulation casing is made with different epoxy resin formulation systems, and the electrical performance test and operation reliability test are carried out for the products. The results of the test are finally analyzed. It is demonstrated that the technology of using static mixer and pressure gel in vacuum state can produce reliable 138kVGIS terminal insulation casing with the existing technology and equipment and production conditions, and the vacuum state pressure gel process. The important judgment basis in the selection of insulation material is clear, and the research results of the subject will also be the future. The development of other more complex ultra-high voltage insulation products provides valuable experience.


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