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发布时间:2018-05-19 07:33

  本文选题:不良数据 + 时间序列 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of smart grid, the automation level of power system has been improved significantly. The operation of power grid is more and more dependent on data information. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid, the quality of these data should be improved. In this paper, the methods of identifying and correcting bad data are analyzed and studied in the following aspects. Firstly, the domestic and foreign research status of identifying and correcting bad data in power system is expounded. Through the analysis of research methods at home and abroad, and based on the characteristics of time series of data in power system, the paper puts forward the point of view of time series. Explore how to identify and correct bad data. Then the paper introduces the basic concept of time series analysis, the basic model of time series and the theoretical method of time series analysis modeling, which lays a theoretical foundation for the identification and correction of bad data in power system. The data in power system can be regarded as a time series containing both regularity and randomness. In this paper, a method for identifying bad data of power system based on time series analysis is proposed. Firstly, the missing data is repaired by Lagrange interpolation method, and the data preprocessing is completed, then the data after preprocessing is fitted by ARMA model to describe the statistical law of power data. Finally, according to the feature that bad data generally have large fitting residuals, the method of setting error identification interval is used to realize the identification of bad data in power system. According to the different types and numbers of bad data, the power balance method and RBF neural network method are used to correct the bad data respectively. The correction method of power balance is based on the law of KCL and KVL, and the principle of power balance is used to correct single bad data, and the correction method of RBF neural network is based on the strong learning ability of network. Correct various types of bad data through trained networks. Taking the actual measurement data in power system as an example, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method for identification and correction of power system bad data are verified.


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