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发布时间:2018-05-20 05:13

  本文选题:摩擦电纳米发电机 + 飞秒激光 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:能源短缺和由此引发的能源危机问题日益显现,严重限制世界经济发展和人类文明进步。为解决能源危机问题,必须大力发展新型能够循环利用的可再生能源。太阳能、水力、风力、生物能和潮汐能等可再生能源都已经成功应用于生活中。除了这些能源外,人类周围还存在着多种多样的无规则、能量密度小的“小”能量,如人体活动机械能、汽车轮胎转动能等等。如何有效利用这些“小”能量已经成为了研究热点。 纳米发电机是能够收集周围微小能量变化,并将其转化为电能的新型发电终端。目前为止主要有三种纳米发电机:压电式纳米发电机、热电式纳米发电机、摩擦电纳米发电机。相对前两者而言,摩擦电纳米发电机具有独特的优势,如收集能量形式更丰富、输出的电压更高、成本低廉利于大规模生产等。摩擦电纳米发电机是利用摩擦起电和感应带电相结合的原理工作的。典型的摩擦电纳米发电机是由两个摩擦电系数不同的材料相互堆叠,再在两个材料的外侧覆盖感应电极构成的。然而,并不是所有的摩擦层都能被覆盖感应电极。单电极摩擦电纳米发电机的出现就克服了这一问题。利用摩擦过程中产生的电荷,通过感应带电驱使电荷在感应电极和大地间流动,产生电信号。因为在单电极摩擦电纳米发电机中,肌肤可以作为一个摩擦源,因此大大扩展了摩擦电纳米发电机的应用范围,如在接触驱动工艺中。但是现有的基于肌肤设计的单电极摩擦电纳米发电机的制备是通过硅转写工艺制备具有微结构的聚合物摩擦表面,再覆盖铜板或者ITO电极板作为感应电极制备的。它们的制备方法相对单一,并且对于未来柔性电子器件来说,铜板和ITO电极板的柔性较差,并不是好的选择。在我的工作中,利用具有微纳结构的PDMS和银纳米线制备出基于肌肤的纯柔性单电极摩擦电纳米发电机。 本文中所制备的纳米发电机是由PDMS和银纳米线构成的。PDMS的上表面作为和肌肤摩擦的摩擦面,具有不规则的微纳结构。这些不规则的微纳结构是通过飞秒激光烧蚀技术制备的。PDMS的下表面作为纯柔性感应电极,镶嵌有相互交叠的银纳米线,具有良好的导电性。镶嵌的银纳米线是通过一次转写工艺制备的。该器件无需外加电压和介质,能够直接被手指驱动,将手指触碰分离的机械能转化为电能,,同时它还具有纯柔性特性。通过对比不同结构的器件产生的电荷,证明了微纳结构能够增强能量转化效率,进而也验证了引入飞秒激光烧蚀技术制备微结构的重要性。当器件被弯折500次以后,依然能够很好的工作,具有良好的稳定性。而后通过性能测试再一次验证了单电极摩擦电纳米发电机的工作原理。最后,作为实际应用举例,将所制备的纯柔性纳米发电机粘在衣服上,器件依然能够正常工作。
[Abstract]:The energy shortage and the energy crisis caused by it appear day by day, which seriously restrict the development of world economy and the progress of human civilization. In order to solve the problem of energy crisis, it is necessary to develop a new type of renewable energy that can be recycled. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, hydraulic, wind, bioenergy and tidal energy, have been successfully used in life. In addition to these sources of energy, there are a variety of irregular, small energy density, such as the human body moving mechanical energy, car tire rotation energy and so on. How to make effective use of these "small" energy has become a research hotspot. Nano-generator is a new generation terminal which can collect small energy change around and convert it into electric energy. Up to now, there are mainly three kinds of nano generators: piezoelectric nano generators, thermoelectric nano generators and friction nano generators. Compared with the former two, the friction electric nano-generator has unique advantages, such as more energy collection, higher output voltage, lower cost, and so on. Friction electric nano generator is based on the principle of friction starting and inductive charge. A typical triboelectric nano-generator is composed of two materials with different friction electric coefficients stacked with each other and then covered with induction electrodes on the outside of the two materials. However, not all friction layers can be covered with induction electrodes. The appearance of single electrode friction electric nano generator overcomes this problem. The electric signal is generated by using the charge generated in the friction process to drive the charge between the inductive electrode and the earth. Because the skin can be used as a friction source in the single electrode friction electric nano generator, it greatly expands the scope of application of the friction electric nano generator, such as in the contact driving process. However, the existing single-electrode friction electrical nano-generator based on skin design is prepared by silicon transposing process to prepare polymer friction surface with micro-structure, and then cover copper plate or ITO electrode plate as induction electrode. Their preparation methods are relatively simple, and for the future flexible electronic devices, copper plate and ITO electrode plate are poor flexibility, is not a good choice. In my work, the pure flexible single electrode friction electric nano generator based on skin was fabricated by using PDMS and silver nanowires with micro and nano structure. In this paper, the nano-generator is composed of PDMS and silver nanowires, the upper surface of PDMS is used as friction surface of skin friction, and it has irregular micro-nano structure. These irregular nanowires are fabricated by femtosecond laser ablation. The lower surface of PDMS is a pure flexible inductive electrode embedded with overlapping silver nanowires with good conductivity. The inlaid silver nanowires were prepared by a single transliteration process. The device can be driven directly by finger without external voltage and medium. The mechanical energy of finger contact can be converted into electric energy, and it also has pure flexibility. By comparing the charge generated by the devices with different structures, it is proved that the micro-nano structure can enhance the energy conversion efficiency, and the importance of introducing femtosecond laser ablation technology to fabricate the microstructures is also verified. When the device is bent 500 times, still able to work well, with good stability. Then the principle of single electrode friction electric nano generator is verified again by performance test. Finally, as an example of practical application, the pure flexible nano-generator is glued to the clothes, and the device can still work normally.


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