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发布时间:2018-05-20 10:59

  本文选题:无线电能传输 + 倍频式逆变电源 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几十年来,无线电能传输(wireless power transfer,WPT)技术引起电能传输领域的广泛关注,其应用前景也越来越广阔。在无线电能传输系统中,不同特性的用电设备对电能的要求不尽相同,为了提高系统带负载能力,当负载投切、线圈距离发生变化时,通常要求系统输出给负载的电压近似恒定,针对系统输出在未采取任何措施的情况下容易受到外界各种因素的影响,存在电压不稳定,影响供电质量的问题,需要设计可靠的控制策略为用电设备提供可靠的电能。首先针对磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输的原理,就线圈设计中几个重要参数的计算表达式做简单介绍。分析等效电路模型,比较四种谐振补偿网络的优缺点,根据补偿电容特性与效率表达式分析S/S与S/P拓扑的不同应用场合。由于系统的工作频率一般可达MHz,设计出一种新型的倍频式逆变拓扑使得开关频率与线圈频率成倍数关系,为了实现逆变器的软开关工作状态,并在PSpice中搭建了基于74HC4046的频率跟踪仿真模型,逆变器开关频率实时的跟踪了发射线圈的谐振频率,达到完全谐振状态。其次针对磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输系统的输出控制策略进行研究,通过推导负载端电压公式,对影响负载端电压的因素进行分析,提出了通过对补偿网络进行控制与在拾取端直接进行控制两种控制策略。根据对补偿网络的控制详细介绍了基于模糊逻辑的电容阵列输出控制策略,并在matlab搭建仿真模型,但此策略控制算法复杂,电容阵列体积庞大,调压范围有限,只适用于精度要求不高的场合,基于此设计了一种对拾取端进行控制的基于boost变换器的输出稳压控制策略。最后利用Matlab2010/Simulink仿真平台搭建了拾取端稳压控制模型,针对系统负载参数投切、电路参数变化进行仿真研究,确定该控制方法的可行性。
[Abstract]:In recent decades, wireless power transfer technology has attracted wide attention in the field of power transmission, and its application prospects are more and more extensive. In the radio energy transmission system, different characteristics of electrical equipment have different requirements for electrical energy. In order to improve the load capacity of the system, when the load is switched off, the coil distance changes. Usually, the output voltage of the system to the load is approximately constant. The output of the system is vulnerable to the influence of various external factors without taking any measures, and the voltage is unstable, which affects the quality of power supply. Reliable control strategy should be designed to provide reliable power for electrical equipment. Based on the principle of magnetically coupled resonant radio energy transmission, the calculation expressions of several important parameters in coil design are introduced briefly. The equivalent circuit model is analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of four kinds of resonant compensation networks are compared. The different applications of S / S and S / P topologies are analyzed according to the compensation capacitance characteristics and efficiency expressions. Since the operating frequency of the system can generally reach MHZ, a novel frequency doubling inverter topology is designed to make the switching frequency multiple with the coil frequency. In order to realize the soft switching state of the inverter, The simulation model of frequency tracking based on 74HC4046 is built in PSpice. The switching frequency of inverter tracks the resonant frequency of the transmitting coil in real time and reaches the full resonant state. Secondly, the output control strategy of the magnetically coupled resonant radio transmission system is studied, and the factors affecting the load terminal voltage are analyzed by deducing the load terminal voltage formula. Two control strategies are proposed, which are control of compensation network and direct control of pick-up terminal. According to the control of compensation network, the output control strategy of capacitive array based on fuzzy logic is introduced in detail, and the simulation model is built in matlab. However, the control algorithm of this strategy is complex, the volume of capacitor array is huge, and the voltage regulation range is limited. It is only suitable for the situation where the precision requirement is not high. Based on this, an output voltage stabilizing control strategy based on boost converter is designed to control the pickup terminal. In the end, the steady voltage control model of pick-up end is built by using Matlab2010/Simulink simulation platform, and the feasibility of the control method is determined by simulating the load parameter switching and circuit parameter change.


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