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发布时间:2018-05-21 11:56

  本文选题:植物叶片气孔 + 小孔扩散率 ; 参考:《安徽农业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Plant is the first producer to support the earth's biosphere. It has a lot of life activities which are very different from our human beings and other life forms. Most of these specific life phenomena occur in the stoma of plant leaves. This paper, based on the vision of bionics, uses the effect and selectivity of the stomata of plant leaves to be efficient and selective. A series of characteristics, the zinc air battery is used as the working carrier, and the experimental exploration and theoretical analysis are combined. By studying the water loss of the zinc air battery under different environment and the influence of the bionic leaf on its water loss and work, the oxygen gas and the water vapor are preliminarily explored in the micron hole. The main work of this paper is as follows: first, change the environmental temperature, relative humidity and air circulation speed and three environmental factors, explore the effect of environmental factors on the loss of water of zinc air battery, and further prove the importance of "water loss" in the work of zinc air battery; second, making bionics The blade is covered in the zinc air battery. Through the constant current discharge, it is proved that the bionic blade can play the role of "keeping water and breathable" in the work of the battery. Third, this phenomenon is explained comprehensively from the environmental state of the bionic blades and batteries, the diffusion parameters of water vapor and oxygen, the physical and chemical properties of the water vapor and oxygen. The main conclusions are summarized as follows: (1) in general, the amount of water loss in the working process of zinc air battery will decrease with the increase of relative humidity and increase with the increase of ambient temperature. When the environment temperature reaches 70 + 1 C and the relative humidity is 30% + 5%, the water loss of the electric pool is less than 50% because of the water loss. The battery will not work normally. (2) when the micropore space of the bionic blade is less than the critical distance, the blade does not obstruct the transmission of oxygen. At the same time, the bionic blade can reduce the water loss of the zinc air battery discharge and decrease the water loss of 40%-80%. with the decrease of the number of micropores. When the micropore space reaches a critical point, the amount of water loss of the battery reaches the limit. At the same time, the minimum value. With the decrease of battery water loss, the voltage attenuation becomes slow and the battery work is more stable. The less the number of micropores, the better the discharge performance of the battery. (3) when the ambient temperature is 20, the relative humidity is 60%, the air flow velocity is 7.0m/s, the oxygen is in the bionics considering the gas concentration difference. The diffusion capacity on the blade is much higher than the diffusion capacity of the water vapor on the bionic blade. This is because the polarity of the water molecules is manifested when the intermolecular interaction is strong, and the capacity of the water molecules is obviously lower than that of the nonpolar oxygen molecules when they pass through the micropores. In the macroscopic view, the vapor molecules are passing through the micropores when the molecules collide and diffuse. The resistance is greater, and the amount of diffusion is also significantly lower than that of oxygen.


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