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发布时间:2018-05-21 12:40

  本文选题:大跨度钢结构 + 输电塔架 ; 参考:《中国民航大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The effect of uniform temperature and non-uniform temperature caused by sunlight is one of the most important effects on long-span spatial steel structure. Because of the good thermal conductivity of steel, the effect of temperature is more obvious. According to the existing research results, the finite element software will be used to analyze the stress and deformation characteristics of the transmission tower of large span spatial steel structure under uniform temperature field and non-uniform temperature field, which will provide the basis for the design and construction of steel transmission tower. The concrete work is as follows: (1) based on the finite element software of engineering entity, the tower model of large-span multi-bar steel structure is established. The Liang Zhu joint is divided into two forms: rigid connection and hinge connection. The diurnal variation curve of temperature is determined according to the basic theory of temperature action and the temperature data of engineering site. According to the diurnal variation curve of temperature, the temperature difference is evenly divided into five gradients, and the deformation and mechanical characteristics of the structure under uniform temperature difference are analyzed. Two concepts of relative extensibility and safety factor are introduced to analyze the deformation stability and strength and safety characteristics of the structure. The global model of transient thermal structure coupling analysis is established, and the temperature field distribution law of the structure varying with time is analyzed by using the ASHARE clear sky model. Further study on the parameters that affect the distribution of temperature field. 5) applying the temperature field obtained by thermal analysis to each node as a temperature load, the deformation and stress of the structure can be calculated, which provides a reference for construction and design.


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