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发布时间:2018-05-22 19:10

  本文选题:光伏电站设计 + 孤岛效应检测 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid improvement of people's living standard and the rapid development of industrial economy in Lankao area of Kaifeng, Henan Province, the demand for energy is increasing. Energy shortage and environmental pollution in the world have become two important factors restricting the sustainable development of human society. It is urgent to develop new alternative energy sources. As a new mode of electric power generation, solar power has the characteristics of no pollution, no noise, simple maintenance and so on, which shows an extremely broad development space and application prospect. According to the power balance in Lankao, substations in the region can no longer meet the load requirements. In order to alleviate the load pressure and improve the safety and reliability of the power supply in the regional power grid, combined with the actual situation in Lankao, The construction of 10MW photovoltaic power station is proposed. Firstly, the paper introduces the economic development situation of Lankao area in Kaifeng, Henan province, and the level of power development in Lankao area, and chooses the address of the station, considering the illumination condition, address condition and convenient transportation, etc. The rationality of site selection is verified, based on the position of photovoltaic power station in power system, the scale of development of power station in the near and long term, and the importance classification of load, the number of output lines and stations of substation is preliminarily determined. Thirdly, from the aspects of electrical calculation, access scheme, main wiring, main transformer capacity, overvoltage, grounding protection and so on, the overall system of substation is discussed, and a reasonable design scheme is obtained. Then, the common islanding effect of grid-connected photovoltaic power station is analyzed in detail, the concept of islanding detection based on reactive power control is proposed, and the protection and control of photovoltaic power station system are introduced. This paper mainly introduces the computer real-time monitoring system for monitoring the operation and environment of electrical equipment in photovoltaic power plants, and expounds the contents of power dispatching automation and electric power communication.


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