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发布时间:2018-05-23 22:53

  本文选题:配电网建设 + 目标网架构 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:长期以来,我国的电力规划研究工作重心主要放在电源规划和主网规划上,我国配电网建设相对落后,缺乏合理的规划设计,设备也较陈旧。近年来,国家电力部门已经越来越清楚地意识到配电网规划改造的必要性,并开始把电力规划的重心摆在了中低压配电网的规划改造上。各地区也纷纷从现有的配电网状况进行分析,根据实际需要和可能性进行再规划和改造,以望提高供电的安全性、可靠性、经济性以及电能质量,从而适应当前国民经济和社会的需要。 随着国民经济及人民生活对电力需求的不断增长,目前佛山市的电力网络已难以满足负荷日益增长的需求。部分线路环网点设置过多且难以有效的起到备用的作用(比如季华站汾江南线与8回其他线路有环网点),运行方式的多样性增加了配网运行的复杂程度。为保证今后城市经济的持续发展,配电的规划、建设与改造工作越来越举足轻重地摆在各级决策者面前。在城市中压配电网规划中,网架结构的选取显得尤为重要。因此,在对现有电网的可转供电能力提升改造的过程中,迫切需要一种能结合电网现状、便于过度、接线清晰、操作简单的接线模式来指导,又好又快又省的提高配网管理水平。 本论文先是介绍了配电网重构及目标网架实施的目的与意义,分析了国内外研究的现状;结合“十二五”期间电网建设及2014年佛山市禅城区中低压配电网年度规划,对禅城区配电网络现状进行梳理,介绍了禅城区配电网现状,包括供电区域、上级电源和10kV线路等情况,分析了禅城区配电网存在的主要问题,包括供电能力、网络结构、运行水平和建设环境,研究了禅城区配电网规划的基本思路,包括10kV电力电缆和10kV电力架空线的网络结构及接线方式;分析了配电网络重构的一些算法,提出了基于单亲遗传算法的配网重构模型,用配电网可靠性测试系统IEEE-RBTS Bus4为算例,在算出原配电网络的可靠性后,通过优化改变该网络结构,提高该系统的可靠性,同时也验证了算法的合理性;利用基于可靠性的中压配电网网络优化算法,结合禅城区中压配电网线路规划的基本思路和网络接线结构的典型接线方式要求,采用了优化网络接线、改变现状网络的薄弱环节等多种方法研究了佛山禅城地区配电网目标网架实施策略。结合现有电网的联络关系,,以佛山供电局典型接线方式为指导、研究了2~3种典型接线的衍生接线模式来指导配网改造,并从配电网网架规划设计考虑,提出了五种建议方式及解决措施:1)配网网架结构由不超过4条馈线的馈线组来实施分区供电;2)馈线组从五种典型接线方式中选取,其中电缆线路首选两供一备;3)接线模式由“单放射”过渡到“两分段两联络”;4)明确线路干支线,合理设置环网点和开关房,并避免分支环网;5)向符合典型接线的配网逐步推广“两遥+故障指示器/馈线自动化”。
[Abstract]:For a long time, the focus of China's power planning research work is mainly on power planning and main network planning. The construction of distribution network in China is relatively backward, lack of reasonable planning and design, and the equipment is obsolete. In recent years, the national electric power department has become more and more aware of the necessity of distribution network planning and transformation, and began to plan the power of electricity. The center of gravity is placed on the planning and transformation of the medium and low voltage distribution network. Each area has also been analyzed from the existing distribution network, and replanned and reformed according to the actual needs and possibilities, in order to improve the safety, reliability, economy and power quality of the power supply, so as to meet the needs of the former national economy and the society.
With the increasing demand for electricity in the national economy and people's life, the power network in Foshan has been difficult to meet the increasing demand of the load. In order to ensure the continuous development of the urban economy in the future, the planning, construction and transformation of distribution are becoming more and more important to the decision-makers at all levels. In the planning of the urban medium voltage distribution network, the selection of the structure of the grid is particularly important. Therefore, the transformation of the power supply capacity of the existing power grid is improved. In the process, there is an urgent need to guide the connection mode which can be combined with the current situation of the power grid, which is convenient for excessive, clear wiring and simple operation, and improves the management level of the distribution network quickly and quickly.
This paper first introduces the purpose and significance of the distribution network reconfiguration and the implementation of the target network frame, analyzes the status of the research at home and abroad, and combs the current situation of the distribution network in Chancheng District in conjunction with the power grid construction in 12th Five-Year and the annual planning of the middle and low voltage distribution network in Chancheng District of Foshan in 2014, and introduces the current status of the distribution network in Chancheng, including the current status of the distribution network, including the current situation of the distribution network in Chancheng. The main problems existing in Chancheng distribution network are analyzed, including power supply, power supply and 10kV line, including power supply capacity, network structure, operation level and construction environment. The basic ideas of distribution network planning in Chancheng area are studied, including network structure and connection mode of 10kV power cable and 10kV power frame, and distribution network is analyzed. Some algorithms of collaterals reconfiguration are proposed based on the single parent genetic algorithm (PGA). The reliability test system IEEE-RBTS Bus4 is used as an example. After calculating the reliability of the original distribution network, the reliability of the system is improved by optimizing the network structure, and the rationality of the algorithm is verified at the same time; and the reliability based on reliability is also used. The network optimization algorithm for medium voltage distribution network, combined with the basic train of thought of the middle voltage distribution network planning in Chancheng district and the typical connection mode of network connection structure, has studied the implementation strategy of the target network framework of the grid distribution network in Foshan Chancheng area by optimizing the network connection and changing the weak link of the current network. It combines the existing grid with the existing grid. With the guidance of the typical connection mode of Foshan Power Supply Bureau, the derivative wiring modes of 2~3 typical connections are studied to guide the transformation of the distribution network, and five suggestions and solutions are put forward from the layout and design of the distribution network. 1) the distribution network structure of the distribution network is supplied by a feeder group of no more than 4 feeder lines; 2) The feeder group is selected from five typical wiring modes, of which the first choice of cable lines is two for the first choice; 3) the connection mode is transferred from "single radiation" to "two segment two liaison"; 4) clear line trunk line, reasonable setting ring network and switch room, and avoiding branch ring network; 5) gradually popularize "two remote + failure" to the typical connection network. Indicator / feeder automation.


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