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发布时间:2018-05-26 21:46

  本文选题:母线差动保护 + 电流互感器 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:发电厂以及变电站母线是重要的电气设备之一,起到汇总和分配电能的作用。母线能否安全、可靠的运行,将对提高可靠性、改善系统供电质量以及保障电网安全、稳定运行具有举足重轻的意义。若故障发生在枢纽变电站母线上,甚至会引起整个系统的稳定性,使系统的稳定运行遭到破坏,以至于系统崩溃。 目前母线保护主要采用电流差动保护原理,但其性能一直以来都受到母线区外故障TA饱和的困扰。本文就此针对TA饱和对母线差动保护的影响及改进措施展开研究,首先对母线差动保护的原理与配置条件进行深入分析,总结出TA饱和对母线差动保护的影响并通过计算进行说明,从而得出TA饱和对母差保护影响的消除方法。其次针对实际运行的电网故障情况进行分析,判断TA饱和对母差保护影响的消除方法在实际运用中的效果。
[Abstract]:The bus of power plant and substation is one of the important electrical equipment , which plays a role of summarizing and distributing electric energy . Whether the bus is safe and reliable can improve the reliability , improve the power supply quality of the system and guarantee the safety and stable operation of the power grid . If the fault occurs on the bus of the terminal substation , it can even cause the stability of the whole system , so that the stable operation of the system is destroyed , so that the system crashes .

The current bus protection mainly adopts the principle of current differential protection , but its performance has always been beset by the saturation of the bus - bus fault TA . In this paper , the influence of TA saturation on bus differential protection and the improvement measures are studied . First , the effect of TA saturation on bus differential protection is analyzed , and the effect of TA saturation on busbar differential protection is obtained .


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