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发布时间:2018-05-27 02:20

  本文选题:塑壳断路器 + 电子脱扣器 ; 参考:《南京邮电大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the improvement of people's living standards, social production and people's lives are becoming more and more inseparable from the use of electricity. It is precisely because of the high attention to electric energy that the reliability of power supply is becoming more and more high, and the protective function of various high and low voltage electrical appliances is more perfect. The rapid development, especially in the plastic case circuit breaker, has been developing rapidly. Early in the early 60s, the electronic release device for circuit breakers was developed abroad. It has been updated for several generations. In recent years, the technical innovation of electronic release is further promoted because of the development of electronic technology. This paper mainly studies the electronics. The design of the tripping device is based on the requirement of the electronic tripping device in the practical engineering application, and describes the basic technical indexes that the electronic release device needs to achieve. Based on this technical index, the software and hardware design of the electronic release device is developed. The hardware design is mainly designed for the design of sampling system (including circuit simulation), the design of power supply system, M CU system design; the software design is mainly the main program and the block diagram of each function program. At the same time, in order to improve the reliability of the system, the EMC design of the electronic release is carried out. Through the hardware design, software design and electromagnetic compatibility design of the electronic release device, a release product which can be applied to practical engineering is obtained. The electronic tripping device obtained by the design method has excellent performance, extensibility, strong adaptability to the environment and good electromagnetic compatibility. After completing the related design, the electronic release device is applied to the plastic shell circuit breaker to carry out the physical test, and the related communication testing software is compiled. The test proves that the electronic release based on the design scheme is based on the test. The device can meet the requirements of moulded case circuit breakers and can be popularized.


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