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发布时间:2018-05-27 06:32

  本文选题:节能降损 + 配电网 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:电力工业是我国能源消耗的主要行业,我国配电网线损率与国外发达国家线损率相比具有一定差距,有效降低配电网损耗对实现电力系统节能降损具有深远意义。目前,配电网节能降损研究中存在两方面问题:配电网线损管理大多只是对线损率进行计算和简单的统计,无法从现有的线损管理及损耗分析中得到影响配电网损耗的重要因素,因而降损工作具有一定盲目性,对降损措施的优选和实施缺少指导性;配电网降损研究大多针对的是配电网损耗薄弱环节的一个方面,研究单一降损措施的优化实施方案,但实际配电网降损必然会涉及到多种降损措施共同实施的情况,由于投资成本的限制、综合降损效益最优的要求等,对单一降损措施的研究无法有效地得到基于多降损措施的配电网降损方案。为了解决上述问题,本文研究了城市中低压配电网损耗分析以及降损技术选择方法,主要研究内容如下: 通过研究配电网技术损耗的计算原理,针对配电网的大量电网参数,根据参数影响配电网主要设备的技术损耗则影响配电网技术损耗的原则,提出配电网损耗影响因素集合,并通过建立辐射状配电网仿真网络得到损耗影响因素对配电网技术损耗的影响规律;基于所提出的损耗影响因素,研究了与其对应的降损措施的降损原理和实施原则,降损措施能通过改善与之对应的损耗影响因素进而达到降低配电网损耗的目的。 针对现有配电网损耗分析的研究缺乏对主要损耗影响因素分析的问题,本文在配电网损耗影响因素的基础上,通过人工统计数据和SCADA/EMS系统的测量数据来获取损耗分析的基本信息;为了提高基本信息获取的精确性,采用数据填充和不良数据识别与调整方法对获取的数据进行处理;针对配电网运行中的不确定性,基于多场景技术建立了用于损耗分析的配电网场景与分析场景,针对分析场景,建立了配电网损耗分析的指标体系,并应用灰色关联分析法对生成的分析场景的损耗分析指标进行关联度与贡献度的计算,以此确定出配电网技术损耗影响因素对配电网线损率的影响程度,,进而确立现状配电网的重要损耗影响因素。 针对当前配电网降损研究中大多只针对某一方面进行优化,无法对现状配电网的多个薄弱方面进行降损优化决策的问题,本文研究了多降损措施组合的中低压配电网优化模型及其方法。在现有降损优化算法和人工经验的基础上,根据不同的降损措施种类及其实施方案,构建了用于优化决策的降损备选方案集合;通过研究损耗电量的多目标效益评价,结合全寿命周期理论建立了能够反映综合降损效益的决策目标函数;针对目前降损优化都以建设费用最低为优化目标,没有考虑实际投资限制的问题,建立了以可靠性、安全性和投资限制为主的决策约束条件。所提出的决策方法能够在选择配电网降损措施的同时计及中低压配电网的多个规划目标:满足运行约束、优化降损效益,因而最终决策方法具有最优的综合效益。
[Abstract]:Electric power industry is the main industry in our country ' s energy consumption , the loss rate of distribution network in China has a certain gap compared with the line loss rate of developed countries , and it is of great significance to reduce the loss of distribution network effectively .
In order to solve the above problems , the loss analysis of low - voltage distribution network and the selection method of loss - loss technology are studied in this paper . The main research contents are as follows :

By studying the calculation principle of distribution network technology loss , aiming at the large number of power grid parameters of distribution network , the technical loss of main equipment of power distribution network is influenced according to the parameters , and the principle of distribution network loss is affected , and the influence factors on distribution network loss are put forward , and the influence law of loss influencing factors on the technical loss of distribution network is obtained by establishing the simulation network of radial distribution network ;
Based on the proposed loss influence factors , the loss principle and implementation principle of the corresponding loss reduction measures are studied , and the reduction measures can reduce the loss of the distribution network by improving the corresponding loss influencing factors .

Aiming at the problem of the analysis of the main loss factors in the research of the current distribution network loss analysis , the basic information of loss analysis is obtained by the artificial statistic data and the measurement data of the SCADA / EMS system on the basis of the influence factors of the distribution network loss ;
in order to improve the accuracy of the basic information acquisition , the acquired data is processed by adopting a data filling and bad data identification and adjustment method ;
Aiming at the uncertainty in the operation of distribution network , based on the multi - scene technology , a power distribution network scenario and an analysis scene for loss analysis are established . According to the analysis scene , the index system of distribution network loss analysis is established , and the calculation of the correlation degree and contribution degree is carried out on the loss analysis indexes of the generated analysis scene by using the gray correlation analysis method , so as to determine the influence degree of the influence factors of the technical loss of the distribution network on the loss rate of the distribution network , and further establish the important loss influencing factor of the current distribution network .

In this paper , the optimization model and its method of middle and low voltage distribution network are studied in this paper , which is based on the existing loss - loss optimization algorithm and artificial experience .
By studying the multi - objective benefit evaluation of loss power consumption , a decision objective function which can reflect the comprehensive loss - loss benefit is established in combination with the theory of full - life cycle .
Aiming at the problem of the lowest cost of construction cost and not considering the actual investment limit , the decision - making method based on reliability , safety and investment restriction is established . The decision - making method can meet the planning objectives of the medium - and low - voltage distribution network at the same time of selecting distribution network loss - loss measures : meeting the operational constraints and optimizing the loss - loss benefit , so that the final decision - making method has the best comprehensive benefit .


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