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发布时间:2018-05-29 08:22

  本文选题:弧焊电源 + 全桥逆变 ; 参考:《江苏科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:逆变弧焊电源具有节能、节材、控制性能好,动态响应快,易于实时控制等特点,目前受到国内外的广泛应用。现代电力电子技术的发展以及大功率逆变技术的不断成熟,促进了逆变弧焊电源的更新换代。弧焊电源除了具有一般电力电源特点外,还需要具有满足电弧负载要求的电气特性。本文是在综合国内外弧焊电源研究现状以及弧焊电源所特有电气特性的基础上,研究设计了全桥逆变式数字弧焊电源。 本文首先设计了逆变弧焊电源的主电路。主电路主要由EMI输入电路,逆变电路,变压器和输出整流电路组成,其中逆变电路主要采用全桥逆变式拓扑结构,逆变频率高达到20KHz,并选用以IGBT为核心的功率开关器件,包括设计IGBT参数计算、选型和吸收保护电路。 然后设计了逆变弧焊电源的控制电路。设计以ATmega16单片机为核心的数字控制电路主要包括:参数预置与显示电路、数模转换电路和保护电路等。采用脉宽调制型控制方法,以脉宽调制芯片UC3846为核心,设计了其外围电路,对采集的电流信号进行负反馈,通过PI调节控制UC3846的输出,以达到控制调节电源的目的。 其次设计了控制系统的软件和程序结构。根据手工焊和直流TIG弧焊电源不同的焊接方法和时序要求,对控制系统的软件进行设计。重点设计了面板显示程序、参数显示与调节程序、故障中断程序,并给出了程序流程图及部分关键程序。 最后,对所研制设计的弧焊电源分别进行了脱机和联机调试,,并给出了调试过程中的关键波形,并加以分析,对样机进行试焊,试验结果表明:所设计的弧焊电源基本满足参数和工艺要求。
[Abstract]:The inverter arc welding power source is widely used at home and abroad for its advantages of energy saving, material saving, good control performance, fast dynamic response and easy real-time control. The development of modern power electronics technology and the constant maturity of high power inverter technology promote the replacement of inverter arc welding power source. Arc welding power supply not only has the characteristics of general power supply, but also needs electrical characteristics to meet the requirements of arc load. Based on the research status of arc welding power source at home and abroad and the special electrical characteristics of arc welding power source, the full bridge inverter digital arc welding power source is studied and designed in this paper. In this paper, the main circuit of inverter arc welding power source is designed. The main circuit is composed of EMI input circuit, inverter circuit, transformer and output rectifier circuit. The inverter circuit mainly adopts full-bridge inverter topology structure, the inverter frequency is up to 20kHz, and the power switch device with IGBT as the core is selected. Including the design of IGBT parameter calculation, selection and absorption protection circuit. Then the control circuit of inverter arc welding power source is designed. The design of digital control circuit based on ATmega16 microcontroller mainly includes: parameter preset and display circuit, digital-to-analog conversion circuit and protection circuit. In this paper, the peripheral circuit of pulse width modulation chip (UC3846) is designed by using pulse width modulation (PWM) control method, and the output of UC3846 is controlled by Pi regulation to achieve the purpose of controlling the regulating power supply by negative feedback to the collected current signal. Secondly, the software and program structure of the control system are designed. According to the different welding methods and timing requirements of manual welding and DC TIG arc welding power source, the software of the control system is designed. The panel display program, parameter display and adjustment program, fault interrupt program are designed, and the program flow chart and some key programs are given. Finally, off-line and on-line debugging of the designed arc welding power source is carried out, and the key waveforms in the debugging process are given and analyzed, and the prototype is tested. The experimental results show that the designed arc welding power source basically meets the requirements of parameters and process.


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