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发布时间:2018-06-02 02:27

  本文选题:大河家 + 可行性研究报告 ; 参考:《水力发电》2015年10期

[Abstract]:From August 25 to 27, 2015, the feasibility study report of Dahejia Hydropower Station on the Yellow River was examined by the General Hydropower and Water Conservancy Planning and Design Institute. Before the meeting, some experts and representatives surveyed the site of the project. The meeting heard the report on the main design results of the Northwest Survey and Design Research Institute of China Power Construction Group, and discussed and deliberated by the specialized group. It is concluded that the report basically meets the requirements of the content and depth of the investigation and design in the feasibility study stage, and agrees with the report. The Dahejia Hydropower Station is located on the main Yellow River section of the Yellow River at the junction of Minhe County, Qinghai Province, and Jishi County, Gansu Province. It is in the hydropower development planning of the Longyang Gorge and Qingtongxia reach of the Yellow River.
【作者单位】: 水电水利规划设计总院;


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