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发布时间:2018-06-07 18:07

  本文选题:有限元法 + 电场计算 ; 参考:《电网技术》2014年11期

【摘要】:变电站作为电力系统中一次设备和二次设备最集中的场所,其电磁环境受到了越来越多的关注,变电站工频电场评估日益重要。对变电站元件进行三维建模,以导线、绝缘子和均压环等元件为研究对象,对其几何形状进行合理简化,以降低剖分难度,减少剖分数量,提高计算速度,并采用有限元法对1.5 m高度的路径进行电场计算。以一个500 k V变电站间隔作为算例,将简化模型与实际模型的电场数值进行对比,结果表明距离模型边缘8 m之内时,相对误差在?7%?11%;距离模型边缘大于8m时,相对误差在?3%?5%之间;大于15m时,误差小于5V/m。简化模型的计算量为原模型的1/4,简化效果较好。
[Abstract]:As the most concentrated primary and secondary equipments in power system, the electromagnetic environment of substation is paid more and more attention, and the evaluation of power frequency electric field in substation is becoming more and more important. In order to reduce the difficulty of subdivision, reduce the number of subsections and improve the calculation speed, the geometry of the components of substation is simplified by taking the elements such as conductors, insulators and voltage sharing rings as the research objects. The finite element method is used to calculate the electric field of the 1.5 m height path. Taking a 500kV substation interval as an example, the electric field values of the simplified model and the actual model are compared. The results show that the relative error is 11m when the distance between the model edge and the model edge is 8 m, and when the distance between the model edge and the model edge is more than 8 m, The relative error is between 3% and 5%, and when 15 m, the error is less than 5 V / m. The computational cost of the simplified model is 1 / 4 of that of the original model, and the simplification effect is better.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学电气工程学院;广东省电力设计研究院;


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