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发布时间:2018-06-08 04:23

  本文选题:短路电流 + 相控分断 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, the power system is developing in the direction of high voltage, interconnection and large capacity, and the short-circuit current of the line is increasing gradually. Therefore, the existing circuit breakers can not meet the needs of the system, adjusting the power network structure, developing current limiting devices and other traditional suppression measures will have a negative impact on the system specifications and stability. The short-circuit fault current-controlled breaking technology can not only reduce the ablation of the contact, prolong the electrical life of the equipment, but also improve the short-circuit level of the circuit breaker, which has become one of the research hotspots of intelligent switchgear. Fast and accurate reduction of short circuit current waveform and prediction of target zero are the foundation and difficulty of short circuit fault current phase controlled breaking technology. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of existing prediction algorithms are analyzed, and the feasibility of Prony algorithm in this field is put forward for the first time. After in-depth research, the application defects of Prony algorithm are pointed out, and a more stable class of -Prony algorithm is proposed. The stability of the algorithm is enhanced by process optimization. Finally, the influence of sampling frequency and wavelength on the precision of the class-Prony algorithm is analyzed with the example of Matlab, and the comprehensive comparison results of the five prediction algorithms are formed. In this paper, the reduction effect of the Prony algorithm and the similar -Prony algorithm are compared by using the current recording data of the low-voltage analog short-circuit fault. Through the statistical analysis of the results of multi-group data processing, the possible error distribution of the class -Prony algorithm is obtained when it is applied in practice. Finally, combined with three sets of actual power system short-circuit fault recording data, the paper makes a further zero-point prediction effect test for the class -Prony algorithm in this paper. The results of two recorded data processing show that the algorithm can restore the short-circuit current with high accuracy and the zero prediction error can meet the requirement. In the end, the paper designs a control device which can be used in the phase control switch. The conventional equipment phase selection strategy and the short circuit fault strategy are integrated, and the application is more flexible. Based on the core chip of the device, the execution time of the class -Prony algorithm is detected by hardware at the sampling rate of 1 kHz. The algorithm can achieve zero prediction in 1ms. At the same time, considering the effect of hardware solution accuracy, the algorithm in the actual DSP chip restore prediction results are also verified by an example.


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