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发布时间:2018-06-09 14:08

  本文选题:配电网 + 消弧线圈 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:6kV-35kV distribution network is an important link in the transmission and distribution of electric energy in power system. It is an indisputable fact that single-phase grounding faults occur frequently in distribution network. If the grounding arc caused by single-phase grounding fault in distribution network can not be eliminated in a short time, the tripping will directly affect the continuity of power supply to users and bring great inconvenience to people's life and social production. Therefore, the safe and stable operation of distribution network plays an important role in the whole power system. The neutral grounding mode of the distribution network is directly related to the ability of the distribution network to eliminate the grounding arc and the fault tripping rate of the distribution network. At present, 6 kV V-35 kV medium-voltage distribution network mostly uses neutral point grounding through arc-suppression coil. However, the complete set of arc-suppression coil on the market can not meet the requirements of fast response, fast compensation effect, good linearity of volt-ampere characteristics, and can be continuously adjusted in a wide range. In order to greatly reduce the tripping rate of distribution network, it is also necessary to provide fast, accurate and reliable small current grounding line selection device and matching protection tripping device to cooperate with arc suppression coil control. In order to solve the above problems comprehensively, the author summarizes the operation experience of the automatic tuning complete set of arc-suppression coil for several years. A new type of fast and high short circuit impedance transformer type arc-suppression coil (ATASC) is studied in this paper. In this paper, a new type of equipment is presented, which is mainly based on the reliability of the system. When the system is abnormal (current transformer, voltage transformer disconnected, or the device is out of power) and when a single phase fault occurs, the arc suppression coil load regulator is blocked, and the inductive current compensated by it does not need to be adjusted by secondary equipment. It ensures the reliable operation of the system. In addition, the protection of the damping resistance of the device is to trigger the high power thyristor with the damping resistance voltage when the single-phase grounding fault occurs, and to control the damping resistance to be connected quickly in 1 millisecond. When the grounding fault is eliminated, the control SCR is turned off naturally. Therefore, there is no need to connect DC or AC power in the damped resistance box. This kind of protection can separate the primary and secondary equipments completely. According to the actual needs, two or more arc-suppression coils can be operated in parallel. In addition, considering the merits and demerits of the line selection devices in the market, a parallel middle resistance line selection method is proposed. With reference to the foreign technology, the method of parallel resistance selection in parallel middle resistance increases the active power component of zero sequence current to the fault point when grounding, which causes the phase and amplitude of the fault point current to fluctuate significantly, and the method of parallel resistance at the two ends of the arc-suppression coil is used to increase the active power component of the zero sequence current to the fault point when grounded. The accuracy of grounding line selection is close to 100. Finally, it is proved that the scheme of arc-suppression coil and fault line selection in this paper is feasible and advanced.


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