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发布时间:2018-06-10 11:04

  本文选题:高低坎泄洪消能 + 立轴漩涡 ; 参考:《水利水电技术》2014年11期

[Abstract]:The flood discharge and energy dissipation of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station is characterized by "high water head, large single wide discharge, frequent flood discharge and much sediment". Its flood discharge and energy dissipation mode is restricted by atomization, navigation, sediment discharge and geological conditions. The technical difficulties of flood discharge and energy dissipation in Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station have been overcome by adopting the scheme of flood discharge and energy dissipation at high and low ridges, with small influence of atomization, high efficiency of energy dissipation, small flow velocity at the bottom of the stilling pool, smooth downstream flow and flexible operation mode of flood discharge. The effect that suspended matter can safely cross a dam. The results of model test, numerical analysis and prototype monitoring show that the vertical vortex has low near bottom strength, no vertical vortex has been observed in prototype monitoring, and the hydraulic characteristics of erosion, cavitation, gate flow vibration and so on are within the allowable range. It has stood the test of three flood seasons. The downstream county seat is adjacent to the hydropower station, and the partial urban area is located in the unfavorable geological conditions of the ancient river course. During some flood discharge conditions, the vibration of the windows and doors of the houses in the local area of the downstream county town appears. Through Xiluodu, Xiangjiaba two reservoirs combined dispatching and optimizing the operation mode of the gate, the vibration intensity is significantly reduced and the vibration problem of doors and windows is effectively controlled. All vibration values are within the allowable limits of the national assessment criteria for personal comfort.
【作者单位】: 中国长江三峡集团公司;


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