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发布时间:2018-06-10 18:06

  本文选题:配电自动化 + Windows ; 参考:《哈尔滨工程大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济的快速发展,无论在工业还是民用方面,对于电能的需求量与日俱增,用户对供电可靠性的要求也越来越高。目前我国已初步完成了高、中压配电系统的自动化,而对10kV以下,尤其是400V以下低压配电终端设备的维护大多采用人工例行检查的方式,导致配电线路出现的问题往往不能在第一时间被发现。此外,随着国家电网的建设,配电网的结构也日益庞大,这给维护人员对故障位置的判断和对故障原因的排查造成了极大不便,经常出现漏检、错检的情况。这种被动、低效率的维护方式已经不符合电网智能化的大趋势,成为一个亟待改进的环节。本文结合当前国内外配电自动化的发展现状和未来趋势,以及我国低压配电终端在维护方式上的弊端,通过对低压配电柜对于远程监控功能需求的分析,设计了一套以ARM11核嵌入式开发板OK6410A为硬件平台,基于嵌入式操作系统Windows CE的低压配电智能监控终端。该终端利用SA9904A三相电能计量芯片实现了对配电柜内的电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数及工作频率等电能质量重要指标的高精度测量,通过以太网模块的DM9000AE控制配电柜与远方监控中心主机的双向通信:将配电柜内各模拟量的实时运行情况上报给监控中心,同时监控中心能够对微处理器下达命令控制配电柜内开关的分合闸动作。另外,本文通过对NMEA-0183协议和PDU编码的研究,分别设计了用于定位和对时的GPS模块和用于发送故障信息的GPRS模块。当配电保护开关发生投切动作时,该终端能够通过GPRS模块将由GPS模块测定的故障发生的时间、位置和故障原因等内容通过短信息的方式及时通知维护人员。通过对实验结果的分析证明,该配电终端达到了遥测、遥信、遥控的目标,有效减轻了维护人员的劳动强度,节省了人力物力,具有良好的应用价值。本文的主要内容包括:首先,分析了实现配电自动化的重要意义,对国内外配电自动化的发展情况进行比较,说明了我国在低压配电自动化方面存在的问题,并针对这些问题制定了本文的主要工作内容。其次,介绍了低压配电监控系统的层次结构,指明监控终端在系统中所处的位置及功能。通过对监控网络通信方式、以太网协议、嵌入式系统以及模拟量采集方式的不同方案的分析和比较,同时结合具体工程项目需要,确定了本文设计的低压配电监控终端的总体结构和各模块之间的输入输出关系。接下来从监控终端硬件组成的角度出发介绍了各模块的功能实现原理和它们之间的通信方式。以此为依据,结合Windows CE本身的体系结构特点,本文介绍了监控终端功能的软件实现过程,包括驱动程序和应用程序的设计。最后,对遥测结果的误差进行了修正,将监控终端置于实际工作环境中进行了联机测试。通过对测试结果的分析,说明了本文设计的低压配电监控终端对于实现管控一体化,提高设备管理水平所起到的作用。同时也指出了监控终端目前尚待解决的问题和未来的研究方向。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the economy, the demand for electrical energy is increasing in both industrial and civil aspects, and the demand for power supply reliability is becoming higher and higher. At present, the automation of high and medium voltage distribution systems has been completed initially in China, and most of the maintenance of low voltage distribution terminal equipment under 10kV, especially under 400V, is mostly adopted. The way of routine inspection leads to the problem that the distribution line often fails to be found in the first time. In addition, with the construction of the national grid, the structure of the distribution network is also increasingly large, which causes the maintenance personnel to judge the fault location and to check the cause of the failure. Dynamic, low efficiency maintenance mode has not been in line with the big trend of intelligent power grid, and becomes an urgent improvement. This paper combines the current development status and future trend of distribution automation at home and abroad, as well as the disadvantages of our low voltage distribution terminal in maintenance mode, through the analysis of the demand for remote monitoring and control function of the low-voltage distribution cabinet. A set of low-voltage distribution intelligent monitoring terminal based on the embedded operating system Windows CE is designed, which uses the ARM11 nuclear embedded development board OK6410A as the hardware platform. The terminal uses the SA9904A three-phase power metering chip to realize the voltage, current, active power, reactive power, power factor and working frequency of the power distribution cabinet. In order to measure the high precision of the index, the two-way communication between the distribution cabinet and the remote monitoring center is controlled by the DM9000AE of the Ethernet module. The real-time operation of the analog quantities in the distribution cabinet is reported to the monitoring center, and the monitoring center can command the microprocessor to control the switching operation of the switch in the distribution cabinet. After the study of the NMEA-0183 protocol and the PDU coding, the GPS module used for location and timing and the GPRS module for sending fault information are designed respectively. When the switching action of the distribution protection switch, the terminal can pass the short information through the GPRS module to the time, position and cause of the fault detected by the GPS module. Through the analysis of the experimental results, it is proved that the distribution terminal has reached the target of telemetry, telecontrol and remote control. It effectively reduces the labor intensity of the maintenance personnel, saves the manpower and material resources, and has good application value. The main contents of this paper include: first, the importance of realizing distribution automation is analyzed. The development of distribution automation at home and abroad is compared, and the existing problems in low voltage distribution automation in China are explained, and the main contents of this paper are formulated in view of these problems. Secondly, the hierarchical structure of the low voltage distribution monitoring system is introduced, and the position and function of the terminal in the system are pointed out. The network communication mode, Ethernet protocol, embedded system and analog acquisition mode are analyzed and compared. At the same time, the overall structure of the low-voltage distribution monitoring terminal and the input and output relationship between the modules are determined according to the needs of the specific project, and the next from the view of the hardware of the monitoring terminal. This paper introduces the function realization principle of each module and the communication mode between them. On the basis of this, combining with the architecture features of Windows CE itself, this paper introduces the software implementation process of monitoring terminal function, including the design of the driver and application program. Finally, the error of the tele test results is corrected and the monitoring terminal is set up. The test results are analyzed in the actual working environment. Through the analysis of the test results, the function of the low-voltage distribution monitoring terminal designed in this paper on the integration of control and control and the improvement of the level of the equipment management is illustrated. At the same time, the problems that the monitoring terminal is still to be solved and the future research direction are also pointed out.


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