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发布时间:2018-06-12 06:58

  本文选题:风力发电 + 双馈感应电机 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:人类社会的生存和进步离不开对能源的需求,随着人类科技水平的不断提高,对能源的消耗也在不断增长,同时能源结构也在不断优化。人们对可再生能源也越来越关注,而风力发电作为其中最廉价、最有发展空间的绿色能源。在人类的电力能源供应中,风能所占的比列越来越高,它的重要性也逐渐被人们所重视。我国风能资源广阔,因此风能是一种潜能特别巨大的可再生能源。 风力发电机组已经由初期的恒速恒频风力发电发展到现在的兆瓦级变速恒频风力发电,其中双馈感应电机(DFIG)变速恒频风力发电机组拥有自身的多种优点而成为风力发电领域的主流机型。采用双馈感应电机的发电系统拥有调速范围宽、有功功率和无功功率解耦控制、能量双向流动等诸多优点,因此双馈电机在风力发电中被广泛应用。本文通过分析双馈电机的运行原理、基本结构、能量流动关系,建立了双馈电机的数学模型。同时通过研究风力机的空气动力学原理,建立了风力机的数学模型。在搭建好模型的基础上建立了电机转子侧和电网侧控制系统。转子侧变换器和网侧变换器根据控制目标的不同有着不用的控制策略,分别对电机有功、无功功率进行解耦控制和维持直流侧电压的稳定。 本文以电力系统仿真软件Matlab/Simulink为仿真平台,,从风力发电系统的原理出发,搭建了整个风力发电控制系统的仿真模型;然后通过对电网发生对称故障时的情况进行了分析,找出了电网电压瞬间跌落时影响双馈感应电机转子过电流和电机转矩剧烈震荡的主要原因;进而提出了相应的改进控制策略。通过仿真分析,本文提出的改进控制策略可以实现低电压穿越的目的。
[Abstract]:The survival and progress of human society can not be separated from the demand for energy. With the continuous improvement of human science and technology, the consumption of energy is also increasing, and the energy structure is also continuously optimized. People pay more and more attention to renewable energy, and wind power is the cheapest and most promising green energy. Wind energy is becoming more and more important in human power supply. Wind energy is a kind of renewable energy with great potential. Wind turbine has developed from constant speed constant frequency wind power generation to current megawatt variable speed constant frequency wind power generation. The doubly-fed induction motor (DFIGG) with variable speed constant frequency wind turbine has its own advantages and has become the mainstream model in the field of wind power generation. The doubly-fed induction motor has many advantages, such as wide speed range, decoupling control of active and reactive power, two-way flow of energy and so on. Therefore, doubly-fed generator is widely used in wind power generation. In this paper, the mathematical model of the doubly-fed machine is established by analyzing the operation principle, basic structure and energy flow relationship of the doubly-fed machine. At the same time, the mathematical model of the wind turbine is established by studying the aerodynamics principle of the wind turbine. Based on the model, the control system of rotor side and grid side of motor is established. The rotor side converter and the grid side converter have unnecessary control strategies according to the different control objectives, which are respectively active to the motor. Reactive power decoupling control and maintaining DC voltage stability. Based on Matlab / Simulink, a simulation model of wind power control system is built based on the principle of wind power generation system. Then, by analyzing the situation of the symmetrical fault in the power network, the main reasons that affect the rotor overcurrent and the severe torque oscillation of the doubly-fed induction motor when the power grid voltage drops instantly are found out. Then the corresponding improved control strategy is put forward. Through simulation analysis, the improved control strategy proposed in this paper can achieve the purpose of low voltage traversing.


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