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发布时间:2018-06-15 02:49

  本文选题:DC-DC转换器 + 开关变换器 ; 参考:《西安电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The rapid progress of Electronic Science and technology and all kinds of communication terminals makes human beings become more and more efficient in the process of dealing with various social activities. A power supply with high reliability, low power consumption and excellent performance parameters is the primary prerequisite for the normal operation of all communication terminals and electronic devices. The power module is a whole machine. One of the core components of the system, and the rapid development of microelectronics in the world in recent years makes it possible to integrate all kinds of modular circuits. Compared to the large power modules of an electronic system, the advantages of the integrated power chip are that the power consumption can be reduced, the conversion efficiency is higher, the volume is smaller, and the driving capability is reduced. In this paper, the model of Buck type switch converter under peak current control mode is modeled and the design and Realization of sub module circuit are mainly carried out. The main research work includes the basic structure and principle of the switch converter. The current switch converter is analyzed by the theory of switch converter. Main types, including main circuit type of power level switch, modulation mode of control loop, control sampling strategy, main circuit conduction mode, and conclusion on the basis of analysis: using PWM modulation, current sampling control, continuous conduction mode converter have better input adjustment rate, load adjustment rate and conversion efficiency. The system model of the peak current switch converter is established. Through the theoretical calculation, the time domain model is established by using Simulink and the frequency domain model is set up with Matlab. The simulation results of the model are analyzed and the control strategy of the control loop is put forward. The model of the model is in turn the power level open loop model and the negative feedback control loop model in turn. The modeling of the switch loop mainly includes the equivalent of the non ideal parameters, the large signal model, the condition hypothesis research, the small signal model, the transfer function extraction; the negative feedback control loop modeling mainly includes the voltage loop sampling, the voltage loop error amplifier, the current loop sampling, the current loop slope compensation and the control loop transmission. The system modeling includes the stability analysis of the frequency domain in the closed loop control loop. The correctness of the model is verified. Matlab software is used to verify the frequency domain and the Simulink software is used to verify the time domain. The instability factors of the voltage loop and the electric current loop in the control loop are analyzed, and the voltage is proposed. The frequency compensation method of the loop and the slope compensation method of the current loop. The stability simulation results show that the compensation method can make the circuit work steadily and have a good ability to suppress the input disturbance and load disturbance. The simulation results verify the correctness of the model and realize the mapping of the mathematical model to the system circuit model. The realization of the key sub module circuit is verified. According to the parameters of the module of the sub module, the IC design software Cadence-IC5141 is used to set up the submodule circuit and verify its feasibility, and the system electricity is realized. The circuit model is mapped to the sub circuit model. The sub module circuit mainly includes the operational amplifier, the voltage comparator, the reference voltage source, the slope compensation circuit and the oscillator. The full text passes the first stage verification through the mathematical model to the system circuit model, and the second level verification is completed through the system circuit model to the submode block circuit model. The simulation results show that the simulation results show that The system model can fully cover the performance index of the switch converter, and the performance index of the system can be realized by the sub circuit module. It is proved that the model has the guiding significance for the practical engineering.


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