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发布时间:2018-06-16 10:24

  本文选题:四甲基氢氧化铵 + 制绒 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Silicon heterojunction SHJ solar cells have become a hot research area in recent years due to their low temperature fabrication, low cost, high conversion efficiency and high stability. The surface velvet of silicon wafer can enhance the absorption of light, reduce the reflection of sunlight and improve the efficiency of solar cells. At present, the most common methods are inorganic base NaOH / Koh, sodium silicate, sodium carbonate / sodium bicarbonate, etc. The advantages of these methods are that the process is mature and the price is low. The drawback is that it is easy to introduce NaOK metal ion pollution. Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) is a kind of organic alkali, harmless, high anisotropic selective ratio and free of metal ion contamination. By using organic alkali-tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH), the optical properties, electrical properties and surface morphology of silicon wafers were optimized, and the technological parameters of wafer substrates suitable for heterojunction solar cells were found out. The main results are as follows: (1) the effect of initial wafer morphology on the minority carrier lifetime of silicon wafer and passivated silicon wafer was studied by etching the cut slice with acid or alkali, removing the damage layer on the surface of silicon wafer, and making velvet under the same conditions. The surface damage layer of silicon wafer was removed by high concentration alkali solution, and a flat plane with less defects was obtained. The pile-made pyramid is covered with a uniform and independent surface, which is conducive to the reduction of reflection and passivation of the silicon wafer. The surface damage layer of silicon wafer was removed by mixed acid, and the concave and convex groove surface was obtained. The pyramids after making pile were not covered with the surface, and there were many defects, which was not conducive to the reduction of reflectance and the passivation effect. 2) TMAH was used to make high efficiency velvet of silicon single crystal. TMAH concentration, solution temperature, corrosion time and IPA-isopropanol concentration were respectively controlled to prepare the velvet on silicon wafer. The effects of these parameters on the surface effect and substrate trapping characteristics were studied, and the optimized conditions of TMAH velvet making were obtained. The optimized substrate was applied to the silicon heterojunction SHJ solar cells to improve the performance of the cells, and the efficiency of the cells was increased from 14.4% to 17.88%. The nanowire structure was prepared on the pyramid by metal assisted chemical etching (MACEE) method, and the double layer (pyramid / nanowire) trapping structure was obtained, which further enhanced the trapping characteristics of the substrate and reduced the reflectivity of the silicon substrate to less than 5%. At the same time, the characteristics of double-layer trapping structure with different etching time are analyzed and applied to silicon heterojunction solar cells.


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