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发布时间:2018-06-17 23:43

  本文选题:变压器 + 局部放电 ; 参考:《电网技术》2014年03期

[Abstract]:The working frequency band and installation position of the ultra-high-frequency UHF (ultra-high-frequency UHF) detection method suitable for the live detection of partial discharge faults in transformers are the key factors affecting the detection sensitivity. According to circular waveguide theory, the propagation characteristics of UHF electromagnetic wave in oil discharge pipeline are analyzed. The attenuation degree of UHF electromagnetic wave propagating in oil discharge pipeline is analyzed by electromagnetic wave simulation and experiment, and the attenuation mechanism is explored. The results show that when the UHF electromagnetic wave propagates into the oil discharge pipeline, the component below the cut-off frequency of the TE11 wave attenuates seriously, and the component equal to or greater than this frequency almost does not attenuate. The method to improve the sensitivity of the oil release valve UHF detection system is proposed, that is, the detection position of the sensor should be as close as possible to the transformer inner wall UHF detection system, the lower frequency limit of the UHF detection system should not be lower than the main mode cutoff frequency. This research result has important value to improve transformer partial discharge live detection technology.
【作者单位】: 国网福建省电力有限公司电力科学研究院;


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