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发布时间:2018-06-21 06:35

  本文选题:电力系统 + 鲁棒控制 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着当今电力系统日益复杂化和大型化,互联程度不断加强,电力系统稳定性的要求也越来越高。大容量机组的投入和特高压交直流输电系统的快速发展,使得电力系统低频振荡问题和暂态稳定问题日趋严重。因此,研究和应用新的控制方法以改善和提高电力系统稳定性是电力系统研究的重要课题。 控制系统的鲁棒参数化设计方法是将控制律参数化,再通过优化参数进而得到希望的控制律。其中控制律的完全参数化表达式可以保证闭环系统是非退化的,,其中显含闭环系统的极点,可以在保证系统稳定的同时,通过合理选取极点或在一定区域内优化极点来把握系统的性能。对于多变量系统,存在由参向量表征的控制系统设计中的额外自由度,可以通过优化这些自由参数来使系统满足各种希望的性能。 本文将鲁棒参数化设计方法应用于电力系统控制中,首先阐述了该方法的独特优越性,分析了其在电力系统控制中的适应性。根据电力系统的实际情况,对优化设计的目标函数进行了改进,并对其权重系数的选取给出了适当的范围。 其次,将鲁棒参数化设计方法运用于电力系统励磁控制。所设计的鲁棒励磁控制器对系统结构的改变和参数的摄动具有很强的适应性,提高了系统的阻尼和稳定性。同时,将鲁棒参数化设计方法运用于电力系统励磁与汽门协调控制。所设计的鲁棒汽门控制器和鲁棒励磁与汽门协调控制器具有良好的动态品质和鲁棒性,对运行点的改变和系统结构的变化具有很强的适应性,提高了电力系统的暂态稳定性。 最后,提出了一种能够有效提高多机电力系统稳定性的分散鲁棒控制策略。针对提出的含扰动项多机系统解耦模型,基于鲁棒参数化设计思想给出了一种干扰抑制鲁棒控制器的设计方法。所设计的分散鲁棒励磁控制器和分散鲁棒励磁与汽门协调控制器,实现了多机电力系统的分散解耦控制。仿真结果验证了鲁棒参数化设计方法的有效性。
[Abstract]:With the increasing complexity and large scale of power system and the increasing degree of interconnection, the requirement of power system stability is becoming higher and higher. With the input of large capacity units and the rapid development of UHV AC / DC transmission system, the problem of low frequency oscillation and transient stability of power system becomes more and more serious. Therefore, the research and application of new control methods to improve and improve the stability of power system is an important subject of power system research. The robust parameterized design method of the control system is to parameterize the control law and obtain the desired control law by optimizing the parameters. The complete parameterized expression of the control law can ensure that the closed-loop system is non-degenerate, where the poles of the closed-loop system are explicit, and the stability of the closed-loop system can be guaranteed at the same time. The performance of the system can be grasped by selecting the poles reasonably or optimizing the poles in a certain area. For multivariable systems, there is an extra degree of freedom in the design of control systems represented by parameter vectors, which can be optimized to satisfy various desired performance. In this paper, robust parameterized design method is applied to power system control. Firstly, the unique superiority of this method is described and its adaptability in power system control is analyzed. According to the actual situation of the power system, the objective function of the optimization design is improved, and the proper range of the selection of the weight coefficient is given. Secondly, robust parametric design method is applied to excitation control of power system. The robust excitation controller has strong adaptability to the change of system structure and parameter perturbation, and improves the damping and stability of the system. At the same time, the robust parametric design method is applied to the coordinated control of excitation and valve in power system. The designed robust valve controller and the robust excitation and valve coordination controller have good dynamic quality and robustness, and have strong adaptability to the change of operation point and system structure, and improve the transient stability of power system. Finally, a decentralized robust control strategy is proposed, which can effectively improve the stability of multi-machine power systems. For the decoupling model of multi-machine systems with disturbance terms, a robust controller design method for disturbance suppression is presented based on the robust parameterized design idea. The decentralized robust excitation controller and decentralized robust excitation and valve-coordinated controller are designed to realize decentralized decoupling control of multi-machine power system. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the robust parameterized design method.


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