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发布时间:2018-06-21 20:30

  本文选题:模块化多电平换流器 + 建模仿真 ; 参考:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Modular multilevel converter has many advantages, such as low switching loss, low output voltage waveform harmonic content, low demand for switching devices, high reliability and so on. It has been used more and more in practical engineering. In this paper, the basic principle, control strategy and imitation of the flexible and direct current transmission system based on modularization and multilevel are mainly carried out. The research work of real and multi terminal DC system operation. First, the working principle of MMC is analyzed. The mathematical model of MMC AC three-phase circuit in d-q coordinate system is deduced to facilitate the controller design. The active power loop at the converter station level, the double closed loop control method of reactive power circuit and the circulation of the converter valve controller are introduced in detail. Suppression, recent level approximation and capacitive voltage balance. Then, the 11 level two terminal transmission system is established in PSCAD/EMTDC. The effect of the designed controller is verified by the step response to the control target. The system can quickly track the change of the control target and have good performance. The average value model of MMC is derived, and the sub module is ignored. In the internal difference, the simulation results of MMC. simulation using the controllable voltage source and the controllable current source show that the detailed model and the mean value model have the same trend in the system level simulation, and the average value model can greatly improve the simulation speed, but the simulation precision is much more sacrificed. Finally, the voltage margin control of the multiterminal flexible DC transmission system is studied. The voltage margin controller is designed according to the principle. The simulation results of a five terminal system show that the voltage margin control completes the DC voltage takeover well between the main converter station and the converter station after the main converter station loses its adjustment capacity or the main converter station because of the power limit. The system can continue to stabilize. Function.


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