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发布时间:2018-06-21 21:38

  本文选题:低压输入 + 高效率高升压 ; 参考:《南京航空航天大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着新能源发电技术和储能技术的进一步发展,低压动力电池已经得到了广泛应用,低压直流到日常交流用电的电能转换需求日益增多,低压输入逆变器在商业和民用产品中具有非常好的发展前景。 论文首先分析和论证了高频链单级式反激逆变器及其有源钳位软开关技术在小功率变换场合的适用性。基于高频链逆变技术,论文研究了有源钳位反激逆变器和低频混合反转桥实现光伏并网微型逆变器的解决方案。采用输出电流闭环控制和加入电压前馈的MPPT算法对光伏并网微型逆变器进行实时功率调节,并研制了一台230W的原理样机,在35V额定输入下取得了94.2%的高转换效率。论文研究了采用全控器件、能量双向流动的反激逆变器拓扑,为小功率航空静止变流器提供了合适的解决方案,,并进行了仿真分析。 针对中大功率场合,论文研究了两级式架构的解决方案。首先研究了两级式逆变器中前级高升压高效率直流变换器的实现。研究了双电感电流型半桥变换器存在的漏感设计困难和电流过零谐振等问题及其解决方法,研制了一台28V输入、180V输出、额定功率1kW的原理样机,转换效率达到92.5%。研究了倍压输出反激变换器的漏感能量回收利用技术及其交错并联均流技术,并研制了一台28V输入、180V输出、额定功率1kW的原理样机,取得了93.9%的高转换效率。 论文最后研究了两级式结构中的后级逆变电路,采用双降压式全桥拓扑,讨论了该电路的一些调制方式,提出了改进效率和减少体积重量的一些方法。论文对该电路进行了实验研究,在额定功率1kW下取得了97.5%的效率。
[Abstract]:With the further development of new energy generation technology and energy storage technology, low voltage power battery has been widely used. The demand for electric energy conversion from low voltage DC to daily AC power is increasing. Low voltage input inverter has a very good prospect in commercial and civil products.
This paper first analyzes and demonstrates the applicability of high frequency chain single stage flyback inverter and active clamp soft switching technology in small power transformation. Based on the high frequency chain inverter technology, the paper studies the solution of the photovoltaic grid connected micro inverter with active clamp flyback inverter and low-frequency hybrid reverse bridge. The MPPT algorithm with loop control and voltage feedforward is used to regulate the real-time power of the photovoltaic grid connected micro inverter. A prototype of 230W is developed and the high conversion efficiency is achieved under the rated input of 35V. The paper studies the inverter topology of the full control device and the bidirectional flow of energy for the small power aeronautical static current transformer. The device provides a suitable solution and carries out simulation analysis.
For medium and large power occasions, the paper studies the solution of the two stage architecture. First, the realization of the high voltage and high efficiency DC converter in the two stage inverter is studied. The problems of the leakage inductance and the current zero resonance in the dual inductor current type half bridge converter and the solution of the current zero resonance are studied. A 28V input is developed. 180V output, the principle prototype of rated power 1kW, the conversion efficiency reached 92.5%., and studied the leakage energy recovery and utilization technology of double voltage output flyback converter and its interlaced parallel current sharing technology, and developed a prototype of 28V input, 180V output and rated power 1kW, and achieved 93.9% high conversion efficiency.
At the end of this paper, the post stage inverter circuit in the two stage structure is studied. Using the double step-down full bridge topology, some modulation methods of the circuit are discussed, and some methods to improve the efficiency and reduce the volume weight are proposed. The paper has carried out an experimental study on the circuit and achieved a 97.5% efficiency under the rated power of 1kW.


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