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发布时间:2018-06-23 06:56

  本文选题:无线控制 + 标准对比 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a new and advanced research field, wireless network control system has attracted more and more attention for its flexibility in networking, diversity of topology, convenience of later maintenance and expansion. The biggest characteristic of the wireless network control system is that it saves the complicated wiring of the wired mode, the large amount of construction, installation and debugging, and the inconvenient extension in the later stage. Especially, more nodes in the network can highlight the advantages of wireless network control system. The characteristics of the tower solar photothermal power station are that the power station occupies a large area, the number of helioscope is large, the control signal is simple and the data transmission is small, so the wireless network control system has more advantages than the traditional wired network control system. Based on the above conclusions, the following research work is carried out in this paper: 1. Firstly, the basic requirements of industrial wireless control network are put forward, and the current mainstream industrial wireless standard ISA100.11a and Wireless Hart are compared and studied according to the requirements. It includes the constitution and function characteristics of wireless control network equipment, and then compares the characteristics of the two standards from the hierarchical structure. Through the comparison of many aspects, the standard. 2. 2 is selected, which is more suitable for the wireless control network of solar photothermal power station. According to the standard research, the control network structure is designed, including the control network structure of the whole power station and the structure of the wireless network control system of the helioscope field. Then, the reliability and security of wireless network control system are analyzed, and a series of security measures are proposed to deal with the possible risks. On this basis, the control technology of the helioscope and the characteristics of the existing control technology are analyzed, and a more reasonable control technology of the sun-fixing mirror is designed. Finally, the operating mode of the helioscope field is analyzed and studied, and the control strategy of the helioscope is designed according to the operation mode and the control technology of the helioscope. Aiming at the control algorithm of helioscope and the main problems of wireless control network, a fuzzy pid control algorithm based on fuzzy theory is proposed. The fuzzy controller is designed by using the relevant modules in Matlab / Simulink. Then the simulation model of wireless network control system is built based on TrueTime toolbox and code, which verifies that the fuzzy pid control algorithm with parameter self-regulation is more accurate than fuzzy pid control algorithm in different network environment. It is more suitable for the conclusion of wireless network control system of solar photothermal power station.


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