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发布时间:2018-06-23 19:08

  本文选题:核电站建造 + 4D可视化 ; 参考:《南华大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the demand of the national economy is increasing. As a safe and environmentally friendly green energy, the state is developing the national strategy of "going out" of nuclear power from the implementation of the policy of "actively promoting the construction of nuclear power", and the process of nuclear power construction in China is developing rapidly. As a new development opportunity for nuclear power construction enterprises, pipeline installation plays a vital role in the installation and construction of each nuclear power project. How to improve the level of pipeline installation management and ensure the quality and safety of nuclear power construction projects will be a huge challenge. It is necessary for the nuclear power construction enterprises. In this context, the multi project construction of nuclear power is carried out. This paper mainly studies the application of visualization technology to the construction process of nuclear power plants in China, and the process of pipeline installation in the process of nuclear power construction using 4D technology. The main content of the study is: the pipeline installation in the current nuclear power construction project is two dimensional management for the existing nuclear power construction projects. The main problem is to build a three-dimensional factory model of nuclear power plant designed by the domestic nuclear power engineering design institute, publish the pipeline drawings of the nuclear island and the conventional island parts, create and publish the 4D visual pipeline installation work package, and display the virtual animation of the pipeline installation process. The purpose of the study is to visualize the nuclear power plant built by visualization. Manual, material, drawing and other resources are automatically linked with the factory model of the nuclear power plant to load visual work packages for the use of the construction site. Finally, the efficient, unified management function of human, money, material and information resources can be realized, and the professional construction management function can be realized, and the 4D visual pipeline installation management platform can be realized by.4D visualization pipeline installation management platform. The construction of nuclear power plant pipeline installation management with 4D technology will greatly improve the resources optimization and integration capacity of nuclear power construction enterprises, intensive management and control capacity, accurate construction capacity, and provide scientific, accurate and timely decision-making basis for project managers, and ultimately improve the construction of nuclear power. The management level of the installation process will lead to the future development of nuclear power by high technology.


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