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基于STM32 ARM的智能电表研究与设计

发布时间:2018-06-23 23:07

  本文选题:STM32 + 智能电表 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的持续飞速发展、工业用电和居民生活用电都呈现出快速增长的趋势,每年国家都投入巨额资金用于新建发电厂和改造电网,但是仍然无法满足日渐增长的用电需求,导致每年都会出现季节性的大范围用电荒现象,而且愈演愈烈[1]。目前,受低碳经济、可持续发展及绿色节能等的影响,人们越来越追求社会经济发展与生态环境保护双赢,那么建设更加安全、可靠、环保、经济的电力系统已经势在必行,智能电网应运而生,而智能电表作为智能电网建设的重要基础设备,其承担着原始电能数据采集计量、实时监测、自动控制、信息交互等任务。 目前国内应用的大部分电表都是普通的电子式电能表,只有采集原始电量参数、自动抄表等基本功能,应用场合也比较单一,通常应用于居民区,一户一表制。无法满足日益复杂的用电场合的需求,,如住宅用电、集体宿舍用电、商场、店面和办公楼对于电表的功能要求都不一样。而在技术解决方案中,传统的单片机运行速度比较慢,片内资源比较小,不适用于多功能、高精度、高速实时处理信息的场合。而高速的DSP芯片需要的扩展外设比较多,系统比较复杂,开发成本相对比较高,不适用于智能电表开发。本项目采用的STM32系列ARM芯片具有较高的性价比,外设丰富、可以实现数据采集处理、人机交互、通讯接口等功能,ARM芯片配合专门电能计量芯片ATT7022E使得整个系统体积小、功耗低、稳定性高,具有较高的实用价值。 通过对国内外智能电表进行研究,分析目前国内对智能电表的需求情况,我们认为开发出一款多功能多用途的智能电表对于国家的智能电网建设是非常必要的。本文从实际应用角度出发,设计并实现了一种能源管理型的单相/三相智能电表,电表的技术指标、电气性能、功能要求、适应环境、抗干扰和可靠性等方面均按照国家电网公司的智能电表技术标准来设计。
[Abstract]:With the sustained and rapid development of our economy, industrial power consumption and household electricity consumption are both showing a rapid growth trend. Every year, the country spends a huge amount of money on building new power plants and reforming power grids. But still can not meet the growing demand for electricity, leading to a seasonal large-scale shortage of electricity every year, and intensified [1]. At present, under the influence of low-carbon economy, sustainable development and green energy conservation, people are increasingly pursuing a win-win situation between social and economic development and ecological environment protection. Therefore, it is imperative to build a more secure, reliable, environmentally friendly and economical power system. Smart grid emerges as the times require, and smart meter, as an important basic equipment of smart grid construction, undertakes the tasks of raw power data acquisition and measurement, real-time monitoring, automatic control, information exchange and so on. At present, most of the ammeters used in our country are ordinary electronic watt-hour meters. They only have the basic functions of collecting the original electric parameters and automatically reading the meter. The application situation is also relatively simple, usually used in residential areas, one household, one meter system. Unable to meet the needs of increasingly complex electricity situations, such as residential electricity, collective dormitory electricity, shopping malls, stores and office buildings have different functional requirements for electricity meters. However, in the technical solution, the traditional single-chip microcomputer is not suitable for multi-function, high-precision, high-speed and real-time information processing because of its slow running speed and small in-chip resources. The high speed DSP chip needs more extended peripherals, more complex system and higher development cost, so it is not suitable for intelligent ammeter development. The STM32 series arm chip adopted in this project has high performance-price ratio and rich peripherals. It can realize data acquisition and processing, man-machine interaction, communication interface and other functions such as arm chip with special electric energy metering chip ATT7022E, which makes the whole system small in volume and low in power consumption. It has high stability and high practical value. Through the research of intelligent ammeter at home and abroad and the analysis of domestic demand for intelligent ammeter at present, we think that it is very necessary to develop a multi-function and multi-purpose smart meter for the construction of smart grid in our country. In this paper, a single-phase / three-phase intelligent ammeter with energy management is designed and realized from the point of view of practical application. Anti-jamming and reliability are designed according to the smart meter technical standard of State Grid Company.


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1 王凯;;浅谈智能电表的应用与发展[J];科技创业家;2012年20期




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