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发布时间:2018-06-24 16:29

  本文选题:核电厂 + 规划限制区 ; 参考:《测绘通报》2015年S2期

[Abstract]:The development of nuclear power in China has entered the systematization. In the new period of scale, the pressure of planning restricted zone management of nuclear power plant is increasing. In this paper, according to the limited zone management of nuclear power plant planning, a set of remote sensing monitoring technology method for the limited area planning of nuclear power plant is preliminarily constructed on the basis of constructing the classification system of remote sensing supervision and inspection by using satellite remote sensing technology. Application demonstration was carried out at Qinshan Nuclear Power Station. The results show that this method can be used to monitor the limited areas of nuclear power plant planning quickly and effectively, and it is an effective method for monitoring the limited areas of nuclear power plant planning.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院遥感科学国家重点实验室;环境保护部卫星环境应用中心;中国原子能科学研究院;环境保护部核电安全监管司;


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