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发布时间:2018-06-24 19:32

  本文选题:光伏发电 + 最大功率点跟踪 ; 参考:《江苏大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:随着全球范围内化石能源消耗量的急剧增加,世界性的能源危机已经来临。化石能源的大规模开发和利用,也给人类赖以生存的自然环境造成了严重破坏。能源已经成为人类社会进步、经济发展与地球生态环境保护的瓶颈问题。可再生能源的开发和利用引起了全世界的广泛关注,其中太阳能具有取之不尽、用之不竭、分布广泛、清洁无污染等一系列优势,是解决世界能源危机和环境污染最可靠和行之有效的绿色能源,而光伏并网发电是利用太阳能最有效的方式。本文采用一种新型结构的光伏并网发电系统,实现了光伏并网逆变器的功能复用,改善了供电质量、提高了系统利用率、降低了系统损耗、减小了设备投资;重点围绕光伏并网发电有功和无功的动态补偿控制的关键问题展开研究,提出了基于最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)的最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)控制、基于超级电容和蓄电池的混合储能系统的有功补偿控制、基于空间电压矢量脉冲调制(SVPWM)的并网发电与无功补偿的一体化控制策略,并开展了相关的仿真及实验研究,验证了拓扑结构与控制策略的可行性。具体研究内容与成果概略如下: (1)在分析光伏并网发电系统拓扑结构的基础上,研究了不同结构光伏并网发电系统的运行特性,研究设计了一种新型的两级式可调度光伏并网发电系统结构,研究了其主要部件的运行机理与数学模型; (2)研究光伏组件的一种简化数学模型、光伏组件在不同太阳光辐射度及工作温度下电流—电压和功率—电压特性; (3)研究了基于LS-SVM的最大功率点跟踪控制策略与方法。为克服传统MPPT算法无法协调解决稳定性、误跟踪及多峰值的缺点,在分析最大功率点跟踪控制机理的基础上,提出了基于LS-SVM的最大功率点跟踪控制策略;构建了基于恒电压控制法、干扰观测法与LS-SVM的最大功率点跟踪控制系统,并开展了相关的仿真对比研究,结果表明了LS-SVM跟踪策略的优越性; (4)提出了基于超级电容与蓄电池混合储能系统的有功功率补偿控制策略。为充分发挥超级电容与蓄电池各自的优势、提高储能系统的功率输出能力,在分析混合储能系统模型特性和性能特性的基础上,提出了基于超级电容与蓄电池的主动式混合储能系统的有功功率补偿控制策略,构建了基于混合储能系统的有功补偿控制系统,并开展了仿真实验研究; (5)提出了基于SVPWM的光伏并网与无功补偿一体化控制策略。为拓展光伏并网逆变器的功能,在分析并网逆变器主电路与静止同步无功补偿装置主电路结构特性的基础上,提出基于SVPWM技术的光伏并网与无功补偿一体化控制策略。研究了基于瞬时无功功率理论的负载无功电流、并网有功电流及无功电流的检测方法;分析了双向PWM逆变器的四象限运行特性,研究了SVPWM波形产生过程,开关管导通时间的计算及分配方法。构建了基于SVPWM的光伏并网发电与无功补偿一体化控制系统,并开展了仿真验证; (6)构建了光伏并网发电系统的模拟实验平台,构建了基于DSP与FPGA复合结构的光伏并网发电数字控制系统,研制了系统硬、软件,进行了相关实验研究,验证了结构设计与控制策略的正确性。 最后,在总结全文的基础上,提出有需要进一步研究的内容和今后工作的重点。
[Abstract]:With the rapid increase of fossil energy consumption worldwide, the global energy crisis has come. The large-scale exploitation and utilization of fossil energy has also caused serious damage to the natural environment for human existence. Energy has become a bottleneck problem of human social progress, economic development and the protection of the earth's ecological environment. The development and utilization of energy has aroused wide attention all over the world. The solar energy has a series of advantages, such as inexhaustible, inexhaustible, widely distributed, clean and pollution-free. It is the most reliable and effective green energy to solve the world energy crisis and environmental pollution, and photovoltaic grid connected power generation is the most effective way to use the solar energy. Using a new type of photovoltaic grid connected power generation system, the function reuse of PV grid connected inverter is realized, the quality of the power supply is improved, the utilization rate of the system is improved, the loss of the system is reduced and the investment of the equipment is reduced. The key issues are focused on the key problems of the dynamic compensation control of the active and reactive power of the photovoltaic grid connected power generation, and the base is put forward. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control of the least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM), the active compensation control of the hybrid energy storage system based on the supercapacitor and the battery, the integrated control strategy based on the space voltage vector pulse modulation (SVPWM) and the reactive power compensation, and the related simulation and experimental research are carried out. The feasibility and feasibility of topology and control strategy are summarized.
(1) on the basis of analyzing the topology of photovoltaic grid connected power generation system, the operating characteristics of different structure photovoltaic grid connected power generation system are studied. A new type of two stage adjustable photovoltaic grid connected power generation system is designed and designed. The operation mechanism and mathematical model of its main components are studied.
(2) to study a simplified mathematical model of PV modules, the current voltage and power voltage characteristics of PV modules under different solar radiation and operating temperatures.
(3) the maximum power point tracking control strategy and method based on LS-SVM is studied. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional MPPT algorithm, which can not coordinate the stability, error tracking and multi peak, the maximum power point tracking control strategy based on LS-SVM is proposed on the basis of the analysis of the maximum power point tracking control mechanism. The method, the interference observation method and the maximum power point tracking control system of LS-SVM, and carry out the relative simulation comparison research, the result shows the superiority of the LS-SVM tracking strategy.
(4) the active power compensation control strategy based on the hybrid energy storage system of supercapacitor and battery is proposed. In order to give full play to the advantages of the supercapacitor and the battery, and to improve the power output capability of the energy storage system, based on the analysis of the model characteristics and performance characteristics of the hybrid energy storage system, the supercapacitor and the battery are proposed. The active power compensation control strategy of the active hybrid energy storage system is designed, and the active compensation control system based on the hybrid energy storage system is constructed, and the simulation experiment is carried out.
(5) the integrated control strategy of photovoltaic grid connected and reactive power compensation based on SVPWM is proposed. In order to expand the function of photovoltaic grid connected inverter, based on the analysis of the main circuit structure characteristics of the main circuit of the grid connected inverter and the static synchronous reactive compensation device, the integrated control strategy of photovoltaic grid connected and reactive power compensation based on SVPWM technology is proposed. Based on the instantaneous reactive power theory, the load reactive current, the grid active current and the reactive current detection method, the four quadrant operation characteristics of the bidirectional PWM inverter are analyzed, the SVPWM waveform generation process, the calculation and distribution method of the switch tube conduction time are studied. The integration of photovoltaic grid connected power generation and reactive compensation based on SVPWM is constructed. The control system is controlled and the simulation verification is carried out.
(6) the simulation experiment platform of photovoltaic grid connected power generation system is constructed, and a digital control system of photovoltaic grid connected power generation based on DSP and FPGA composite structure is constructed. The system hardware and software are developed and the relevant experimental research is carried out. The correctness of the structure design and control strategy is verified.
Finally, on the basis of summing up the whole paper, the contents of further research and the focus of future work are put forward.


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