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发布时间:2018-06-25 00:38

  本文选题:复合材料杆 + 架空线路 ; 参考:《电网技术》2014年11期

【摘要】:我国学者尝试在雷电活动强烈、污秽严重地区的110 k V架空线路应用复合材料绝缘杆,以提高相对地空气间隙距离和爬电距离。然而绝缘水平的提高,复合材料杆还是否需要架设避雷线以及避雷线接地引下线,是防雷面临的关键技术问题之一。针对典型110 k V复合材料杆,对比研究未架设避雷线的复合材料杆与架设避雷线的同电压等级、相同导线高度铁塔线路的雷电性能,考虑2种杆塔线路引雷能力、雷电冲击绝缘强度以及建弧率等因素的差异,发现:2种杆塔线路引雷能力间的差异可以忽略;未架设避雷线的复合材料杆雷电冲击绝缘强度是铁塔的3.5倍,建弧率为铁塔的53%,但是反击耐雷水平仅为24.5 k A,雷击跳闸率高达1.13次/(100 km?a),均明显劣于铁塔。据此,推荐110 k V复合材料杆架设避雷线。然后,对比估算避雷线不同接地方案下雷电性能的差异发现:避雷线若不经引下线接地,则复合材料杆雷电性能明显劣于铁塔,但若经引下线逐杆接地,则雷电性能显著优于铁塔。因此,提出避雷线应逐杆接地。综上所述,110 k V复合材料杆线路防雷接地方案应当采用架设避雷线,且通过金属引下线逐杆接地的设计。
[Abstract]:In order to increase the relative air gap distance and creeping distance, Chinese scholars have tried to apply composite insulation rods to 110 kV overhead lines in areas with strong lightning activity and serious pollution. However, it is one of the key technical problems for lightning protection to improve the insulation level, whether the composite rod needs to set up the lightning protection wire and whether the lightning protection wire should be grounded. Aiming at the typical 110kV composite rod, the lightning performance of the same voltage grade between the composite rod without the lightning protection line and the lightning protection line, and the lightning performance of the tower line with the same conductor height are studied comparatively, and the lightning ability of the two kinds of tower lines is considered. The differences of lightning shock insulation strength and arc building rate are found to be negligible, and the lightning shock insulation strength of composite rod without lightning protection line is 3.5 times that of iron tower. The arc construction rate is 53 of the tower, but the lightning resistance level is only 24.5 Ka, and the lightning tripping rate is as high as 1.13 times / (100 km?a), which is obviously inferior to the tower. Based on this, it is recommended that the 110 kV composite rod be installed with lightning protection lines. Then, it is found that the lightning performance of composite rod is obviously worse than that of the tower if the lightning protection line is not grounded by the induced wire, but if the lightning protection line is grounded by the wire, the lightning performance of the composite rod is obviously worse than that of the tower, and the lightning performance of the composite rod is obviously worse than that of the tower. The lightning performance is better than the tower. Therefore, it is proposed that the lightning line should be grounded by rod. To sum up, the lightning protection grounding scheme of 110kV composite rod line should adopt the design of erecting lightning protection line, and grounding by rod by metal lead down line.
【作者单位】: 中国电力科学研究院;国家电网公司;国网安徽省电力公司合肥供电公司;广东电网公司深圳供电局;


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